Jun 26, 2016

Democracy, is merely the illusion that allows one to believe that one has the power in so-called ‘freedom’, and yet it also the very same tool by which one gives one’s uninformed consent to being a slave to commercial rules given the force of law (Ligesom Lars Løkke's sæbeopera, som danner en V-mindretalsregering. En regerings dannelse, hvor vælgerne har stemt på nogle partier, som, når det kommer til stykket, viser sig blot er 34 ud af 90 mandater, der påtager sig regeringsansvaret. Retten til en fair retssag, til privatliv og til ytrings- og forsamlingsfrihed har aldrig været ringere end under Venstreregeringen, mens vi bare står og ser på!!? Husk lige på, "Cabal's" hemmelige dagsorden og overskud tjenes ind på krige, kaos, frygt og adskillelse. Lille udsnit af de mange nye regler: Grænse kontrol. Overvågning af danskers rejsedestination. Lavere integrationsydelse. Ny indfødsretsprøve og skærpede krav til dansk statsborgerskab, permanent ophold og tålt ophold. Indførelse af indrejseforbud. Skærpet krav til onlineradikalisering og antiradikalisering. Nye regler for internetovervågning. Revision af EU-våbendirektiv som skal bekæmpe terror. Ny skærpet knivlov. Oprustning til krig - mindst to procent af BNP på Forsvaret. Respektpakke. Ransagning uden dommerkendelse. Skærpet krav til varetægtsfængsling og isolation. Register over tv-overvågningskameraer. SMART City København. Opstramning af offentlighedsloven. Opsamling af helbredsdata hos borgeren. Videreføring af den tidligere regerings salg til korrupte investeringsselskaber så som Goldman Sachs m.fl. - udlandets opkøb af dansk infrastruktur (TDC, Københavns Lufthavne, Giro Bank, DONG, NETS) osv. osv. Alt imens ligger danskernes tillid til domstolene og politiet helt i toppen, vi er tryllebundet af Venstre's og DF's hårdhændede politik overfor terror, kriminelle og udlændinge og nægter at træde ud af EU...Vi er bund naive, vi kan ikke se skoven for bare træer..)


Extracts only:
"..... CVN has in the past attempted to inform listeners about the difference between a ‘representative democracy’ and a ‘proportional representative democracy.’ A representative democracy is a system that potentially allows a party that does not have the majority support of the people of a country, to have a majority government. Canada has been a prime example of this over the years. The former leadership of Stephen Harper was able to secure a majority status within parliament, even though the party had only received less than 37% of the vote. In this system, it is possible that a party could get 20% of the vote in every constituency across a country, and yet still have no one sitting in the parliament.

A proportional representative democracy is a system that allocates seats in a parliament according to the overall votes across the country. In this system, the same party that had 20% support in every constituency but no representation previously, would be offered a certain number of seats based on the total number of people who supported that party, as a percentage of the total number of people who voted in the election.

Most, if not all western democracies are representative and not proportional.

In Canada, for example a majority government with less than 50% support of the people, can pass commercial legislation that was never even offered to the people for their informed and democratic consent.

Yet, Canadians, Americans and those in all western countries will stand up and defend that their country is ‘free’ and some may even to forcefully defend that position, as if the individual truly knows what it is that he or she is defending.

People of Canada, the US, the UK and basically of all western countries at least are under the mass illusion and delusion that they live in freedom.

Case and point:
  • You can’t build a house without permission from the government.
  • You can’t eat food without permission from the government.
  • You can’t drive a car without permission from the government.
  • You can’t own a gun without permission from the government.
  • You can’t go fishing without permission from the government.
  • You can’t get married without permission from the government.
  • You can’t work without permission from the government.
  • You can’t leave the country without permission from the government.
  • You can’t start a business without permission from the government.
  • You can’t fly on a commercial plane without permission from the government.
  • You can’t get a bank loan without permission from the government.
  • You can’t take drugs without permission from the government.
Shall I continue?
  • A government can impose taxes without seeking informed consent.
  • A government can spend money wastefully on ‘research’, ‘impact-studies’ and legal work for lower-priority projects without informed consent.
  • A government can send middle and lower class children to kill, harm or be harmed or killed in unlawful wars started by bankers.
  • A government can legalize and enforce dangerous foods, water, air, chemicals and vaccines without informed consent.
  • Governments and unlawful law enforcement agents and agencies can impose a criminally fraudulent system of commercial law upon people and arrest any who question it, without informed consent.
  • Banks can fraudulently create money out of thin air, risking nothing, while claiming a right to foreclose when people cannot pay, without informed consent.
  • As we heard in the health story moments ago..one cannot even choose to DIE without permission of the government.
The irony is that the government is comprised of people elected by those very same people living under the illusion and delusion of freedom.

Yet, the government, again being elected by the people, continues to pass commercial legislation without the informed and democratic consent of the people.

Poverty is more than just a symptom of fraudulent banking system that exists on debt that is mathematically impossible to repay. It is an intentionally-created tool for the purposes of keeping people in debt, in fear, in separation and therefore under control.

Democracy, is merely the illusion that allows one to believe that one has the power in so-called ‘freedom’, and yet it also the very same tool by which one gives one’s uninformed consent to being a slave to commercial rules given the force of law.

Create a wonderful week, until our next moment of ‘now’!..."