May 11, 2016

Merrylin Cryptid Museum (WAUW - OMG - The life's work of Crypto-naturalist, Fringe Zoologist and Xeno -Archeologist Thomas Merrylin) - May 11, 2016

You have stumbled upon the Merrylin Cryptid Museum, the life's work of Crypto-naturalist, Fringe Zoologist and Xeno -Archeologist Thomas Merrylin. This is the online archive of his unique collection of specimens. Creatures and artifacts thought to be nothing more than myth. It is a mystery that challenges our understanding of biology, chemistry and the very laws of physics. But this is no fairytale, for he was a scientist, and empirical evidence and rational thought hold sway here. There is a lot to see and read, so please take your time to peruse the website. For more information, Please watch this informative video, or continue reading below