Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.
Major movement on multiple fronts including US regime change and serious political turmoil in China
Udgivet af Benjamin den 12. Maj 2016 CET
Another (potent, I say, from my view) FULL weekly report from Ben.
“There are serious and undeniable changes now taking place at the highest levels of the world’s power structure… CIA sources [say] the plan is still to keep Obama as the face of the regime and use him to transition to a Donald Trump presidency…
“One very visible sign of the US regime change is the fact that “1500 Yale Skull and Bones documents will be released to expose [US Secretary of State John] Kerry, the Bushes, and other cabal members,” Pentagon sources note.
“Last week this writer attended a meeting… of the senior lodge members of a… Benevolent Asian Secret Society (Hongmen)… the society expressed a desire to work, based on the principles of peace, in a “mutually beneficial manner with the International White Dragon Society.”
“…another Chinese official to contact the WDS represents a faction inside the Chinese politburo that is opposed to Chinese President Xi Jinping. The source says there is a major power struggle taking place in China.
“President Xi Jinping’s mandate is not going to be renewed after his first 5 year term ends in 2018 and it is doubtful he will even survive until then, he said. The source said Xi was undertaking what amounted to a “second cultural revolution,” that had already purged 30 million people as part of an “anti-corruption” campaign. The result was that new projects were not going ahead because everybody was too afraid to sign them into being, the source said.
“The other interesting information this source had was that the Chinese military command was undergoing a fundamental realignment. The Chinese military was going to be divided into 5 commands: Southern, Northern, Eastern, Western and Central. There were also discussions underway about moving the capital of China away from parched Beijing, he said.
“In Japan, meanwhile, there is a consensus among backroom power brokers that Prime Minister Abe and his Kyushu clique must go. However, there is still no consensus on who to replace him so, like Obama in the US, Abe will continue as the face of Japanese power for now even as his scriptwriters change. For one thing, the TPP trade deal negotiated in part by Abe is going nowhere under the new regime.
“The biggest event after the US regime change has to be the declaration of “holy war” by Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kiril last week. While Kiril cited “terrorism” as the enemy, this war is really a joint US/Russian operation against the Satanic Khazarian mafia, Pentagon and other sources say.
“There is already a hybrid war raging against the Khazarians and they are losing big time. The Saudi Binladen group, for example, is filing for bankruptcy, in a clear sign the Khazarian Saudi royal family, their Bush family buddies and their cronies are in trouble.
“…a humbled former CIA boss etc. Dick Cheney, sensing the change in the US power structure, has turned on the Bush family and endorsed Donald Trump. “This may help him avoid assassination, but it will not spare him from a 911 perp walk,” the Pentagon official said.
“…across the Atlantic, the German and French governments are now openly opposing the Khazarian concocted TTIP trade deal thanks to leaks of its contents, allegedly by Greenpeace. The IMF has also broken ranks with Germany on Greece after it was revealed that almost all the bail out money supposedly intended for Greece was handed out to corrupt bankers.”
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