Første video som kom ud var fra theguardian, der som et lykketræf, valte Putin som den altdomminerende skurk. Det undrede mig også, da Danmarks Radio som de første, lige pludselig stod som en part af uafhængige ICIJ jouranlister, hvor vi ved, DR i virkeligheden er betalt af selvsamme hånd som foder dem med oplysninger...Allerede i 2013 har jeg fundet en publikation, som hedder Secrecy for Sale(Inside the Global Money Offshore Maze) igen, er lande nævnt udenfor magtelitens søgelys (Aserbajdsjan, Rusland, Canada, Pakistan, Filippinerne, Thailand, Mongoliet). Banker, som også nævnt , så som UBS, Clariden and Deutsche Bank...ikke et af de mange Wall Street/Rothschild banker er nævnt her (Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citibank, Barclays, HSBC osv.) Ufattelige sammentræf? Nej, når det har noget at gøre med vores Hidden Hand/Globalister/Cabal/Khazarian-mafia/gnostic Illuminati/Zionister/Banksters/Anglo-American Axis (AAA) (kært barn, mange øgenavne) så findes der ingen tilfædigheder, blot bedrag og manipulation...
Mht. Nordea, der lige pludselig er havnet i søgelyset, så mener jeg det er et lykketræk for Nykredit og den shitstorm med bidragssatster bliver kanaliseres væk, mod et nyt mål.... Har tidligere Nordea direktør Michael Rasmussen fået færten af, Nordea var den nye hemmelige lavprisselskab indenfor realkreditinsituter? eller Nordea har sat i søen, at omkonstruere realkreditmodellen til en mere attraktiv kundevendt flinte via et nye firma? Det er mærkeligt, Jyske Bank år tilbage var kommet i fedtefadet og nu er det lige pludseligt Nordeas tur? Vi så jo for åben skærm, Thorben Sander (Nordeas Private Banking Chef) udføre et nærmest latterlig grumspring for ikke at komme i uføre... Alt dette er spekulationer, men pudsigt er det, at DR, den tyske avis Süddeutsche Zeitung samt The Guardian, udleder, at netop ud af de 11,5 millioner dokumenter, trækker man blot ovennævnte regeringsledere samt bank(er) til syndebukke for vestens korrupte kulturelite....Jeg mener, der står så ubeskriveligt mange hemmeligheder i disse dokumenter, der lyn hurtigt bliver klassificeret under mørklægningsloven eller den nationale sikkerhed/forvaltningsloven. ... Smidt ind under Statsministeres bankboks sammen med Anders Foghs hemmelige notat for invasionen af Irak i 2003 og hvem som slog JFK ihjel...
Yes, Mossack Fonseca Served As The Nexus For An International Organized Crime Ring …
… But where are all the well-known criminals from the Western Criminal Banking Cartel?
Conveniently missing, it appears
The Millennium Report
The overly dramatic picture shown above says it all about the AAA* agenda where it concerns Russia and specifically President Putin.
*Anglo-American Axis (AAA)
If ever there was a transparently fake sting operation to tarnish President Putin’s reputation, the “Panama Papers” is it.
Everything about this CIA-directed black operation was designed to damage Putin however they can make stuff up about him, with no evidence whatsoever. Just ridiculous innuendo and idle specualtion, and planted rumors and baseless hearsay.
The Zio-Anglo-American criminal cabal is so incensed that Putin broke up their little genocide party in Syria that they will do everything to get him back. The Syrian Holocaust: A Preplanned Genocide And Forced Exodus
So, what did they do.
They farmed out the various and sundry hit pieces to all their favorite MSM news outlets. You know, the ones that still possess the veneer of legitimacy with some of their readership. The British press is always employed whenever it comes to conducting classic hit pieces on the Russian Federation and especially on President Putin. They are always armed to the teeth when it come to taking down ole Vladimir. They just can’t get enough of this hide, can they?!
The Panama Papers: what you need to know by The Guardian
Not only was The Guardian conscripted to do the dirty work, a heavily CIA-connected German newspaper was actually contracted by The Company (aka the CIA) to do all the heavy lifting. Just who is Süddeutsche Zeitung? As follows:
On 6 October 1945,[3][4] five months after the end of World War II in Germany, the SZ[Süddeutsche Zeitung] was the first newspaper to receive a license from the U.S. military administration of Bavaria. The first issue was published the same evening. The first article begins with:
For the first time since the collapse of the brown rule of terror, a newspaper run by Germans is published in Munich. It is limited by the political necessities of our days, but it is not bound by censorship, nor gagged by constraints of conscience.
(Source: Süddeutsche Zeitung)
PANAMA PAPERS: The secrets of dirty money by Süddeutsche Zeitung
Syria and the Greater Israel Project
Of course, when recent headlines on Syria have read: Putin Goes Ballistic In Syria, Obliterates The USA’s Secret ‘Mideast Strategy’, it’s easy to understand why they incessantly act with such a vengeance toward Putin and his Kremlin clan. After all, the subtitle of that same article reads: Putin’s Russia Blows Up Scheme For ‘Greater Israel’. And no one messes with their insane Greater Israel Project and gets away with it.
The Zio-Anglo-American criminal cabal will never leave Putin alone until he is driven out of office and without an iota of political power left. After the overwhelming Russian military success in Syria, they (AAA leadership ) are not only livid with rage, but also totally beside themselves with revenge. That’s where the highly trumpeted “Panama Papers” comes in.
What follows are a few other articles which have been written by some very credible alternative news outlets. These are then used to lend credence to the MSM storyline. Yes, most certainly there are many elements in this Mossack Fonseca crime spree which are entirely true. However, that’s how they always rope you into their pen of profound prevarication and subtle sophistry. Once they disseminate a few truths which can be verified easily, then they hit you with a all-out propaganda shit-storm.
“Unprecedented Leak” Exposes The Criminal Financial Dealings Of Some Of The World’s Wealthiest People
Presenting The Mossack Fonseca Interactive Web Of Secret Companies (And All Available Source Files)
First Panama Papers Casualty? Former Iceland Premier Calls On Current PM To Resign To “Prevent An Uprising”
Mossack Fonseca: The Nazi, CIA And Nevada Connections… And Why It’s Now Rothschild’s Turn
Pay particularly close attention to that last headline. “And Why It’s Now Rothschild’s Turn” is one development that will never happen until the whole Global Economic & Financial System crashes and burns. The Rothschild banking group is well known as the backbone of the Banskter cabal that really does rule the world; albeit, on a fairly low level of financial administration.
Now, just how bad do they really want to take down Putin in order to win their version of the ongoing Great Game? The following two essays reveal the true back story. There is no speculation in these two exposés. They both come from the AAA horse’s mouth.
STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination
Russia’s Biggest Threat Is The Promethean Strategy: Can Putin keep the Intermarium in check?
Now the reader can correctly comprehend the enormity of this long-planned sting operation. The real Banksters have had this “Bear False Witness” scheme against Putin et al. on the drawing board practically forever. However, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Now it’s Putin’s move on the ever-changing geopolitical chessboard known as the Global Economic & Financial System. Perhaps it’s time for the Almighty Dollar (the world’s king currency) to get checkmated!
The Millennium Report
April 3, 2016
The author of this exposé was quite negligent by failing to mention that the top propaganda photo not only includes Presidents Putin and Assad, but also Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson of Iceland. As to whether the good PM is truly guilty of any financial crime remains to be proven in an unprejudiced court of law. However, one thing is for certain and that is that Iceland is the only nation in the world that took punitive measures against the primary Banksters responsible for defrauding the citizenry, collapsing the banking system and crashing their economy. Simply put, you just don’t get away with sending Banksters to prison and not expect serious blowback from the criminal AAA cabal.
Iceland’s Supreme Court Upholds Jail Sentences of Four Banking Executives
*Anglo-American Axis (AAA)
The Anglo-American Axis is represented, first and foremost, by the major English-speaking countries of the world: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. The European member nations of NATO, such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are also closely aligned with the AAA as are all the Scandinavian countries. So are the Asian Pacific Rim nations of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar also owe their allegiance to the AAA but some of these may be changing. The World Shadow Government is an ultra-secret, supranational organization which completely controls the Anglo-American Axis, as well as the European Union, NATO, among many other institutional entities which constitute the Global Control Matrix.
(Source: Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World ‘Order’)