Mar 6, 2016

Omnec Onec at the Mount Shasta Summer Conference 2015 (VIDEO)

Omnec Onec hævder, at hun er en kvindelig udenjordisk "Venusian" der oprindeligt kom til Jorden i 1955, der blev født for 246 jordiske år siden.....


Mt. Shasta Interplanetary Cultural Exchange Summer Conference 2015 - reflections

Anja Schäfer FB: Thank you, Rob! Omnec Onec at the Mount Shasta Summer Conference 2015. Lecture with questions and answers. Some of the contents: Life on the astral on Venus, relationships, sex, birth, education, temples of learning, antigravity, manifestation, creation, no money, no jobs, creative life, teleportation, bubble crafts, gatherings, spiritual conventions, spiritual masters, Rami Nuri, houses, sounds and colors, etc ...

[Omnec Onec had a stroke in 2009. Her left body half is partly pa...

Omnec Onec from PortalToAscension on Vimeo.