Welcome to in5d News, your source for Alternative News related to POSITIVE change in our society. Alternative news is the REAL news that is not being reported on the main stream media (MSM). It also reveals the propaganda that IS being reported by the MSM. If you’ve noticed, the main stream media promotes violence, fear and terror in their attempt to control us through specific agendas. in5d does not advocate fear-mongering propaganda and views ALL news as a potential for awakening the masses in as many ways as possible. Some news, such as Earth changes, show us the balance that is needed in all areas of life, while some political news shows us how this current paradigm of corruption is collapsing from within, which is integral in becoming a Type 1 civilization.
* check back throughout the day for more updates!
New In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit articles:
PINNED: The Easiest Diet EVER! Lose 30 Pounds In 3 MonthsDr. Simon Atkins Returns To In5d With An Energy Update
Quantum Healing with Candace When Healers get Sick with Cohost Mary M Truitt
Did You Know That You Can Light A Room With A Potato?
New articles and videos from around the internet
VIDEO: How To Alkaline Your Body With Green TeaVIDEO: Max Igan – Psyops, Circular Arguments and Belief Systems in an Unfree World
VIDEO: Terence Mckenna – DMT, Mathematical Dimensions, Language, Memes and Death
VIDEO: Million-km Plasma Structure, Polar Ice | S0 News Mar.26.2016
VIDEO: Massive Ice Boulder Falls From Sky Again
Navigating Unseen Currents of Energy that Surround Us
Study: Chemotherapy Increases Cancer Growth and Cancer Cell Resistance to Treatment
Deadly Contamination Found In Water Of Factory Towns Nationwide
Ouroboros: Ancient Infinity Symbol Used By Different Ancient Civilizations
11 Ways To Avoid Radiation When You Fly
Shattering The Myth of The Most Important Meal of The Day
5 Ways Happiness Affects Your Cellular Structure
He Was the Father of Modern Mind Control & Propaganda for the Ruling Elite
New Study: Bt Toxins 100% Lethal to Amphibians
Ding Ding! EU Committee Votes AGAINST Renewal of Glyphosate Herbicide
Nestle has issued a recall for DiGiorno, Lean Cuisine and Stouffer’s products
Scientists fear that deadly MERS virus could be transmissible through the air
FALSE FLAG: EPA intentionally caused toxic water spill at Colorado mine to get more funding for environmental cleanup operations
Fast food industry rapidly moving to replace employees with robots and eliminate payroll, health benefits and human unreliability
Schumann Resonance 8.70