Mar 10, 2016

EXCLUSIVE: MoD Scientist is latest whistleblower after bizarre 'encounter with THIS UFO' (VIDEO - A SCIENTIST working for the US Department of Defence has become the latest current or former high-ranking military personnel to break rank and whistleblow over aliens and UFO)

YouTube•MUFONA CGI of the alleged UFO made for MUFON video and (inset) the source

The department's electromagnetic and laser systems expert, who has asked to be anonymous to safeguard his career, claims to have seen an extraordinary phone receiver-shaped UFO over woods in Ontario, Canada, during a hunting trip.

The man gave his account during a 40-minute interview with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), the world's biggest alien investigation organisation.

He said he was part of a three-man team of hunters on the trip on August 28 2013 at about 9.40pm, when the "craft" was seen just 400 feet away for about six minutes.

The two other men have also not been identified.

YouTube•MUFONHe claims to have observed it through a rifle sight

YouTube•MUFONThe man gave a detailed account to MUFON

In a video interview for MUFON, he said: "We were driving down a logging route to the main highway when there was this craft at low enough altitude to see it through the windscreen.

"I would say it was at highest 150 to 175 feet in altitude.

"I grabbed my rifle scope out the pack, wound the window down and hung out the open side window to observe the craft."

He described it as of "brilliant brightness" giving off as much light intensity as stadium lighting.

He said: "I have been involved in operating systems in the past and this thing was coherent light, it was salty to the eyes to look at, like looking at a laser that had been passed through a de-fraction grading or something of that nature.

"It was not a focussed laser, it was a defocussed laser.

YouTube•MUFONThe man described a flashing array of colours around the "craft"