Feb 29, 2016

Scalia, the Illuminati, the Jesuits and the Vatican - Feb 29, 2016 CET

And Mocking Bird Media Rupert Murdoch's Boss

…by Katherine Frisk

Opus Dei Influence Rises to the Top in the Vatican by Betty Clermont is a long and informative article that connects many dots and is worth bookmarking for future reference.
What is important throughout, is the overriding theme of the suppression of the exposure of the international pedophile network and the Roman Catholic priests involved coupled with a mysogynist aversion to equal rights for women.

The list includes support for all Right Wing corporate fascist political parties and governments; the connection to the Illuminati which was founded by the Jesuit Johann Adam Weishaupt, which leads us to Judge Scalia and Bohemian Grove and child sex abuse; into the heart of the Vatican itself, and what is more, the Mocking Bird Murdoch Media propaganda machine.

Thrown into this mix is the prospect of WWIII and the Christian Zionists who are literally hell-bent on destroying the oldest Orthodox Christian communities in the Middle East.

Hence we have their de facto CIA mercenaries and Knights of Malta supporting ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and the Orthodox Christian Church in Eastern Europe and Russia terrorized by a combination of Ukrainian Nazis funded by Jewish Zionists and supported by Muslim Brotherhood insurgents to wipe them off the face of the earth.

Here are some key points, keeping in mind that the Vatican is the biggest pedophile all boys club on the planet, that the Illuminati was founded by a Jesuit, and that the P2 lodge is one of the most powerful Illuminati Lodges and Mafia central:
1. “Their goal is the same as other plutocrats – unbridled power – except they use the influence of the Catholic Church and its worldwide network of institutions exempt from both taxes and financial reporting requirements to advance rightwing parties and governments.” 

Continue Reading at.... http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/02/29/scalia-the-illuminati-the-jesuits-and-the-vatican/