Feb 5, 2016

COBRA Q & A with Rob Potter - January 26th 2016: 9th Planet, Nibiru, Financial Reset, Earth's Center Is A Portal, AI and Free Will, Black Goo, Vaccines, and more

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen http://2012portal.blogspot.com ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via bibliotecapleyades.net (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller (http://www.verdensalt.dk/2014/08/kort-situationsopdatering-pa-kloden.html) for at forstå hele sammenhængen.


Here's the latest Rob Potter and Cobra interview from the end of last month.

There were a few points I found interesting, one was in regard to the center of the planet being a portal:

There is a certain hyper dimension tunnel created between this dimension and higher dimensions that enable continuous flow of energy which is more than just the energy that can be mattered from the physical plane and this is one of the reasons scientists have sometimes problems in describing the energy momentum and the angular momentum of the body because there is some certain amount of energy that is not fitting in their équations, I’ll put it this way. It’s because is not coming from the physical plane. To put in the a different way; the center of the planet is a portal. And the energy is coming from that portal.His description of a 'hyper dimensional tunnel created between this dimension and higher dimensions' sounds very similar to the Reciprocal System's Theory's description of time-space interacting with space-time. In the theory, motion accelerated beyond the speed of light enters time-space, and appears 'dark' or invisible from space-time. According to the below-linked article on the evolution of planetary geophysics, as described by RS Theory, the center of the planet is a fragment of a dwarf star that was once shattered in a supernova explosion during the solar system's deep past.

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Marker (5:40-7:43) Cobra start his reply.....