Feb 1, 2016

Brother of 9/11 Victim & Court (Beyond Misinformation - Free E-version)

Blogger: 'Beyond Misinformation' can also be found here. Are you aware how close the Danish Professor Dr. Niels Harrit were to crack down on even the most egregious lies about WTC 7 in the danish court system? He got the proff.. However,
The Supreme Court of Denmark are smooth like baby's bottom and are required to protect us interests abroad.... (Mr. Harrit, chemistry professor from University of Copenhagen and co-author of a scientific paper on the nano-thermite found in dust samples taken from Ground Zero 9/11)

Brother of 9/11 Victim Hopes to Bring WTC Evidence to Court

"What could cause this range of recovered body parts from nearly complete to essentially 'vaporized'? Perhaps it was proximity to explosives?" — Matt Campbell

Matt Campbell Seeks Supporters for His Legal Campaign
UK citizen Matt Campbell lost his brother, Geoff, in the North Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

In the ensuing years, Matt has been on a quest to find a route to justice for his brother's murder. He has helped expose the fact that the official story is incontrovertibly wrong — that hijacked planes and fires could not possibly be the sole reason for the destruction of the Twin Towers.

Specifically, he has educated government officials and the media by introducing them to the evidence supporting the theory of controlled demolitions. This evidence has been outlined by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth in its documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out, and in its booklet, Beyond Misinformation: What Science Says About the Destruction of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7. Explosives explain the observed high-speed ejection — outside the footprint of the Twin Towers — of not only structural material, but also the remains of his brother.

Now Matt is pursuing a legal strategy to force a correction to the official story and bring some semblance of justice to his brother.