Jan 30, 2016

“Too Big To Fail" Banksters like Goldman Sachs & Financial-scandal continues into 2016 ( Konspirationsfest: Bilderberg, DONG, Mckinsey, Goldman og Corydon) Jan 30, 2016 CET

Goldman Sachs executive takes ‘personal leave’ amid Malaysian fund corruption probes

Published time: 30 Jan, 2016 00:33

Tim Leissner, chairman of Goldman Sachs Southeast Asia’s operations, has taken a “personal leave” amidst corruption scandals associated with Malaysia’s state-owned 1MDB fund, with which Goldman worked closely.

President of Goldman’s Singapore operations since 2006 and chairman of its Southeast Asia operations since 2014, Leissner oversaw the bank’s operations in Malaysia, where it became the top international bank with a 20.3 percent market share since 2010.

Read more: https://www.rt.com/business/330665-goldman-leissner-malaysia-corruption/

Goldman Sachs sends US into recession, promptly retracts report’s slide

Published time: 22 Jan, 2016 01:44

Despite being “too big to fail”, America’s “most important bank” Goldman Sachs may have done so this week, at least for a few minutes, when it possibly tipped off a new economic recession. A slide in the “Markets do not ‘Take it Easy’ to start the year” report posted online showed the US in a recession according to Goldman’s Current Activity Indicator.

Read more: https://www.rt.com/news/329757-goldman-sachs-recession-slide-fail/


Bilderbergmødet i Watford 2013 er helt centralt, hvis man vil forstå Corydons salg af DONG - og hans nye job, skriver John L. 

- Og så er der nogle idioter, der hævder, at der ikke er korruption her i landet.

- Hold kæft, hvor er vi til grin, og vi vidste, at det her ville ske.

Sådan skriver Knud M. på netavisen 180grader i en kommentar til indlægget 'Bilderberg 2013: Corydon og hans nye arbejdsgiver deltog'.

Indlægget, som er skrevet af en person, der bruger den politiske filosof John Lockes navn, stiller spørgsmålet: Har Corydon fået sit nye job i McKinsey, bl.a fordi han har hjulpet sin nye arbejdsgiver i sin tid som finansminister OG Goldman Sachs i forbindelse med DONG-salget.

Læs videre her: http://ekstrabladet.dk/nationen/konspirationsfest-bilderberg-dong-mckinsey-goldman-og-corydon/5883044 


Dong salget lugter af politiske rævekager, pamperi og fordækt dagsorden 

Vores forblændet bling-bling Ex Finansminister Bjarne 'Cory-DON'(G) eventyr - success eller downfall - 24. December 2015

Corydon x McKinsey III. Fra arkivet: Faglige organisationer kritiserer, at statens ledere skal måle og veje de ansatte ved hjælp af en McKinsey-model. Men finansministeren mener, at der ikke længere er en modsætning mellem tillid og kontrol i den offentlige sektor. Information.dk