Jan 20, 2016

The 9/11 Special Effects that Made it Look Real – For Those Few Who Still Doubt – Video and Post - Jan 20, 2016 CET

(Before It's News)

Thinning Veil - January 2016:

Howdy. Just wanted to convey a few thoughts on the predicament in which we find ourselves in this world of lies and trickery.

As many of us are surmising, this rabbit hole goes so much deeper than any of us can imagine. We just don’t know what we don’t KNOW. The moment any of us think we have it all figured out, we can be sure how very little we really know, and how arrogant we have become. The rabbit hole has no end, I am starting to see. At least no end that can be completely gleaned in this one lifetime.

We think we are here on a spinning ball, by accident, in the year 2016, because this is what we have been told. They gain power by using science and technology as their main weapons against human self-knowledge and againt the freedom and prosperity that is the birthright of every one reading this now.

Black magic, alchemy, they used to call it. Today they call it pharmaceuticals and education and religion and politics. They call it war and they call it peace.

Words are spells, my people.

Maybe what we CAN agree on is the most important thing to dwell upon right now, at this most critical time, this pivotal and dangerous time for all of us on this Earth.

We can all agree that most of us are the same in many ways. We love our families, our communities, our nations, our traditions and customs and heritage. We love our ancestors. They may not have been royalty or chosen ones (ahem), but they were our people and they mean just as much, or certainly more, than some satanic queen’s great grandma or some duke’s lizard-looking, pedophilic uncle. Most of us come from good stock, so to speak. We all should seek to keep our ways alive, wherever we may be, with the only rule being to do no harm and help others to achieve the same things we hope to achieve.

Our ancestors deserve our respect and for us to honor their sacrifices. I had and have many members of my own family who served in the military. Those no longer here would roll in their graves to see today’s men, and women, so compliant in the face of evil. So spineless and so hypnotized by the trappings of the media, sports, drugs, alcohol, food, porn and any other fetish or obsession, all to distract these men, these warrior spirits, from doing what is in their nature to do. Protect!

Their plans have worked perfectly, these psychopaths who are ruining this garden and enslaving all of our peoples, everywhere. On every continent.

Wherever there is a private bank, a court of “law”, government schools and hospitals of any kind that practice allopathic treatments only, we know we are slaves. Wherever interest is charged we know we are slaves. Wherever a working man can be homeless, through no fault of his own. Wherever free energy and cures for disease are suppressed. Wherever children can be taken from good parents. Wherever taxes are collected and behavior is modified under threat of violence, we know we are slaves.

We have all needlessly suffered the loss of loved ones due to barbaric treatments and the withholding of cures. The entire ‘industry’ is bogus and guilty of murder every day, all day.

All of these things are UNNECESSARY and as such should be among the first things addressed in order to free humanity once all the corrupt and soulless traitors are removed and a new system is installed by and for regular everyday people. One free from secret societies and lobbyists. One free from isms and parties. They have proven to be all too easily corruptible. We don’t need a daddy or a mommy ruling over us. That is a passe idea whose time has come and gone. Good riddance. Time for something completely different.

We will create a system that works actively toward the health and benefit of all souls. It’s doable because money is only an illusion, but for the greed of the few and the necessity of money for all life for the rest of us sheeple. Money is made up out of thin air, so why not give all souls on Earth money enough to build a home and have food, anything else one must work for. Ask a wild animal if there’s such a thing as a free lunch and he’ll say, “Sure there is!”

Are we not worthy of the same things a wild animal is? Yes we are, of course, though we are treated more like caged and mistreated chickens in a fast food corporation’s warehouse, but we must all adopt a sevice to others mindset in order for this to be a way of living and a way of organizing ourselves without the threat of violence or slavery.

Easy peasy to break the chains of humanity. Nothing hard about it. Just takes doing!

All of these things are what we all have in common. Forget religion, color, sex or any other labels and start discerning people via their character and their service to others and Truth path, as opposed to the service to self and lies path. Our imaginations are powerful, even “scientists” are claiming this is a thought wave place we live in here, and our thoughts, then feelings and emotions, actually MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. But first we have to ENVISION! What would freedom look and feel like for you?

So! Please! How’s about we unite against the real tyranny and please stop fighting each other. Let this tool of dividing and conquering they love so much become OBSOLETE.

Perhaps all those in positions of great power today, elected and unelected, must be arrested and tried for treason and for crimes against humanity as they are all in on it together. They must prove that they have not committed crimes against the people, either directly OR INDIRECTLY. Blind compliance to ‘rules’ is no excuse for such crimes to be tolerated, ask those hung after WW2….. Those laws still apply today, all you order-followers!

Camps are being drawn now, peeps. Every one of us has to pick a side right now and act accordingly. Best of luck and keep a sense of humor, for fux sake, or you may go crazy. Love to all you dreamers and doers who get up every day and live in the TRUTH. Love to all those who expose corruption and lies. Love to those who’d give the shirt off of their back to someone in need or who helps those who can’t help themselves.

Remember – your fear is their power. Be your brother’s keeper! Say no and stop complying with tyranny.

Peace for all pure souls!