Jan 16, 2016

Stillness in the Storm: “NASA Establishes Planetary Defense Office | To Protect The Earth From ETs or Breakaway Civilizations?” plus 3 more - Jan 16, 2016 CET (Several insiders, namely Corey Goode, Pete Peterson, and of course Gary McKinnon, along with many others, have suggested the existence of a secret space program, partially created by the military industrial complex...)

NASA has always been a quasi-defense department agency, operating under a civilian status, but liaises with security agencies such as the NSA and NRO when sensitive materials are received. But as many in the awakening community are discovering, NASA has been censoring ISS feeds, doctoring photographs, and misleading the public for a long time.

Related Propaganda of Project Blue Book | The Best Photos Of 'UFOs' We Found In The Newly-Released Project Blue Book Collection

This is not due to a handful of irresponsible players within the space agency, no, instead it is a matter of policy to hide and manipulate information to service a hidden agenda, and maintain a publically acceptable worldview about humanity's status in the cosmos. This agenda seems to be to hide the existence of extraordinary spacecraft, whether human or extraterrestrial, from the public, in addition to celestial activity which counters accepted scientific viewpoints..........

Planetary defense duties

What will the office do? It will be responsible for:

  • Supervision of all NASA-funded projects to find and characterize asteroids and comets that pass near Earth's orbit around the sun;
  • Lead the coordination of interagency and intergovernmental efforts to plan response to any potential impact threats.
  • Improve and expand on past efforts with other U.S. federal agencies and departments, such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
  • Continue to assist with the coordination across the U.S. government, including planning for response to an actual impact threat and working in conjunction with FEMA, the Department of Defense, other U.S. agencies, and international counterparts.
  • Issue notices of close passes and warnings of any detected potential NEO impacts, based on credible science data
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