Jan 13, 2016

State of the Union: President Obama pushes for cancer cure (Denmark and US has the same true vision for curing cancer...Well, then... legalize the sale and possession of cannabis (marijuana) and kick out Big Pharma once and for all.. Denmark has one of the toughest penalty for possession of drugs/hash and Testing(narkometer) for a total of seven substances... )

Published on Jan 12, 2016
In his final State of the Union address, President Obama announced a new
national effort to find a cure for cancer and put Vice President Joe Biden, who lost his son to the disease, "in charge of Mission Control."

"Better survival for Danish cancer patients. Cancer Treatment in Denmark must be able to measure up to the best countries in the world. There must be many more cancer patients who survive their disease. With the government's health strategy already implemented significant boost in the cancer area, which will help to meet the government's target of three out of four cancer patients in 2025 be alive five years after diagnosis. If it was level today, this would equate to approximately 6,000 more patients a year would survive for at least five years after the cancer is detected."http://www.altinget.dk/misc/sr_sundhedsudspil_030615.pdf

