Jan 17, 2016

Mass Animal Deaths for Jan 2016 (Death Animals, Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Sinkholes, Flooding and Wildfires All In One - What The Heck Is Going On?)

rt.com  Thousands of dead squid wash up on beach in Chile
Blogger: I do recall many, many information was provided by Alex Collier, when we meet-up with him at Interplanetary Cultural Exchange Summer Conference in Mt. Shasta 2015. Some of us already understood, U.S. Navy Killing Thousands of Whales & Dolphins With Sonar & Weapons Testing back in 2014. The new intel provided by Alex was, that U.S. Navy has expanding this killing spree because Dolphins and Whales indicates an unusually high level of intelligence. They coexists on a much higher frequency spirtual plane than humans.. I.e. infact, they are protecting earth or balancing it, on higher vibrations... Blogger - It’s All About Energy... Every living thing consists of an energetic or vibrational frequency. You, me, our pets, the chairs we’re sitting on... it’s all energy, and we’re all connected. Our bio-frequency is a direct representation of the status of our health. The higher our vibration, the healthier our body....... U.S. Navy knows this or Cabal (SSP). They don't want any humans to elevate our energetic resonance to restore harmony within our auric field and health within our body. Vibrational resonance is directly related to our state of Consciousness, higher states of consciousness are associated with divine inspiration and increased levels of creativity....

My personally take on the "dramatic die-offs marine biologists" consist on two undeniable truths... 
One - Cabal purposely submit or use Microwave Energy Pulse, Sonar Weapons, Chemtrails, GMO's, Pollutants from Fosil Fuels, destroying ley lines and submit radioactive materials into groundwater and Fukushima nuclear plant to kill animals (also human depopulation) 

Two - the animals choice to die as part of their spiritual journey or devine plan.....

2015 :
MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST  828 Known MASS Death Events in 96 Countries (or Territory)

INFO: 970 MILLION Monarch butterflies - a major pollinator - have been killed since 1990 in America by Monsanto's herbicide, wiping out 90 percent of America's total population of Monarchs. (source)

INFO: MASSIVE die off that went unreported in 2011. MILLIONS of sea urchins and sea stars die suddenly along 60 miles of California coast in what was 'one of the most unusual and dramatic die-offs marine biologists have ever recorded.' (source and here)

January 2016 :

MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST   27 Known MASS Death Events in 18 Countries (or Territory)

Dead squid in chile
15th January 2016 - MASSIVE - 10,000+ dead squid wash ashore 'reason unknown' in Arauco, Chile. Link
15th January 2016 - 10,000 ducks killed due to more outbreaks of avian flu in Taipei, Taiwan. Link
15th January 2016 - Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a river in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Link
14th January 2016 - 5 giant sperm whales wash ashore dead on Texel Island in Netherlands. Link

13th January 2016 - 7,000+ cattle dead due to drought in Southern Zimbabwe. Link
13th January 2016 - Thousands of dead fish wash up in Guanabara Bay, Brazil. Link
13th January 2016 - 40,000 chickens to be killed due to avian flu in Fife, Scotland. Link
13th January 2016 - Hundreds of thousands of fish dead or dying in Hunter river, NSW, Australia. Link
12th January 2016 - Hundreds of animals killed by hail storm in Canchabamba, Peru. Link
12th January 2016 - 100+ Whales stranded, 45 dead on the coast of Tamil Nadu, India. Link
Dead whales in India12th January 2016 - 700,000 birds killed due to another outbreak of avian flu in Kano State, Nigeria. Link
10th January 2016 - Hundreds of dead fish and eels found in a lake in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. Link
9th January 2016 - 4,000+ cattle dead due to drought in Huila, Colombia. Link
8th January 2016 - Thousands of dead fish wash up in Gulfport, Florida, America. Link
8th January 2016 - 330,000+ birds killed due to avian flu in Kano and Delta regions, Nigeria. Link
8th January 2016 - Tens of thousands of dead starfish and jellyfish wash up along Sussex and Hampshire, England. Link
7th January 2016 - Tens of thousands of birds killed due to avian flu in various areas of Taiwan. Link
7th January 2016 - 2,000 dead fish found along the banks of a river in Amalfi, Colombia. Link
Dead birds in alaska6th January 2016 - Thousands of dead sea birds found along a beach in Prince William Sound, Alaska, America. Link
6th January 2016 - 100+ TONS of fish die, in a river in Dong Nai Province, Vietnam. Link
6th January 2016 - Hundreds of dead birds found in Cueramaro, Mexico. Link
6th January 2016 - 25,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Accra, Ghana. Link
5th January 2016 - Massive die off of fish in a lake in Marica, Brazil. Link
5th January 2016 - Hundreds of dead fish found along a river in Gebeng, Malaysia. Link
2nd January 2016 - 40,000 cattle killed in storm in Texas and New Mexico, America. Link
2nd January 2016 - Thousands of fish dead in a river due to pollution in Pelalawan Regency, Indonesia. Link
2nd January 2016 - Hundreds of dead starfish wash ashore on a beach in Portsmouth, England. Link