Jan 11, 2016

Lone Vitus - Danish Organic Farmer - at the Open Mind Conference 2015 ( Acc. to the farmer, one third of all Danes will be diagnosed with cancer cause there's much more money in producing pharmaceuticals rather than producing proper food.. thats a fact. Monsanto Biotech Corporation (widely recognized as the most hated and most evil corporation on the planet) has close strings/partnership to Denmark by Novo Nordisk/Novozymes A/S (same company) - Newly report shows, that each person exposed to pesticies has 60 procent increase risk of diabetes...Denmark allows feeding of our animals with GMO label crops with VERY high residues of pesticides, which then are eaten by humans .... )

Read also: Monsanto and Novozymes An Unusual Alliance? - Cand.Ling.Merc, Master’s Thesis from Copenhagen Business School 2014  Uddrag: " En Virksomhedsalliance blev annonceret i december 2012, mellem danske Novozymes og amerikanske Monsanto. Alliancen indebærer et tæt samarbejde mellem de to firmaer, baseret på Novozymes bio-enzymer samt Monsantos ekstensive globale field-testing muligheder, for i samarbejde at transformere agrikulturen globalt. Monsanto er i 2013 blev kåret som ”The Worlds most Evil Company”. Dette er tilfældet da firmaet ofte tilsidesætter etik, hensyn til legale grænser, hvis dette er til firmaet økonomiske fordel. Yderligere, er det blevet konkluderet at Monsanto ser på stakeholder - og issues management som aspekter hvis skadelige virkning det handler om at minimere, og at disse aspekter samtidig kun skal ageres i forhold til, hvis dette har instrumentelt økonomisk potentiale for firmaet. Dette gennemgribende fokus på profit over alle andre hensyn, er ligeledes konkluderet ud fra Monsantos CSR - karakter, hvor firmaet konsekvent har en defensiv og lukket tilgang til CSR, både i tanke og ageren, samt udelukkende italesætter CSR for at glorificere firmaets profil, eller forsvare sig imod kritik. Opsummeret er det blevet konkluderet at kritikken af Monsanto som værende et lukket, uærligt, uetisk og som ofte tilsidesætter alle hensyn i jagten på profit, i høj grad er berettiget."

Published on Jan 11, 2016
Lone Vitus; author, farmer and lecturer. She is a Cand. Lact. and an agricultural economist with a degree in financial management. She has been a research-assistant on a project about raw milk and has taught courses in microbiology, statistics and food-toxicology.

Lone Vitus has been a self-employed, conventional farmer with 125 sows, plus cultivated wheat, barley, canola, etc. Lone Vitus also worked as troubleshooter in industrial pigsties.

She now runs an organic farm and produces wine made from grapes and apples. She grows her own vegetables and berries and raises livestock on 6 acres of land. The farm's remaining 62 acres are nature zones.

The world’s food production is based on man-made chemicals and industrialised animal husbandry. This system provides cheap food but does not eliminate hunger, although it’s an often used argument.

And how cheap is the food really, if you include the consequences of collapsing bee colonies, the loss of biodiversity, the pollution of groundwater, sea and inland waters as well as the direct impact of people?

The food system is not only industrial agriculture, it consists of a close relationship between officials, politicians, farmers' organisations, consulting companies, food processing companies, the chemical industry, the financial sector and the pharmaceutical industry.

We expect the elected politicians to work for the public interests - including public health – but do they really do this?

The Open Mind Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark 2015 (GAIA TV FULL Program VoD)