Jan 29, 2016

Denmark wants to watch everything you do online (However, Danish Parliament The Liberal Party (V) has no clue about this session logging proposal and nobody wish to discuss about NSA's spying capabilities on danish citizens)

Denmark wants to watch everything you do online

Published: 29 Jan 2016 15:59 GMT+01:00

The Danish telecommunications industry has expressed concerns over the Justice Ministry’s plan to reintroduce so-called internet session logging, the registration of residents’ online activity.

Denmark plans to collect all passenger data (19 May 15)
Denmark scales back controversial spy plan (18 Mar 15)
Denmark is world's most connected country (25 Nov 14)

Denmark scrapped the practice in 2014 and the European Court of Justice has previously ruled that the blanket retention of internet usage is illegal, but the ministry not only plans to bring back session logging, it will go even further than before.

Jakob Willer, the director of the Telecom Industry Association, told news agency Ritzau that the government plans to carry out total surveillance on all online activities by every single internet user.

“We are actually a bit shocked that such a massive expansion has been suggested,” he said.

While the previous session logging system required telecommunications companies to carry out random checks, Willer said the new plan calls for “logging every individual session” of internet users.

Justice Minister Søren Pind confirmed to Ritzau that he will soon introduce a proposal to reintroduce session logging.
“Logging is a very essential tool for the police and PET [the Danish Security and Intelligence Service, ed.]. Therefore we need to have up-to-date logging rules, which we don’t today,” he said.

“Today, information is kept on which telephone numbers have called each other and at which time, but if the parties used internet-based communications like Messenger, Skype or iMessage, the information isn’t logged. In today’s world, that doesn’t cut it,” Pind told Ritzau.

Libertarian-leaning party Liberal Alliance said it would oppose any bill to reintroduce the logging of individual internet use.

“We live in a liberal democracy and it should be a basic principle that we respect people’s private lives. There is no place for the mass surveillance of residents who aren’t suspected of any criminal activity at all,” party spokeswoman Christina Egelund told Ritzau.

She said that the Justice Ministry itself was behind the decision to scrap the practice in 2014.
Story continues below…

“This would be the reintroduction of rules that the Justice Ministry said a few years ago were useless, expensive and restrictive of our freedom,” she added.

The Telecom Industry Association that the costs of implementing the plan would be in the hundreds of millions of kroner. According to Ritzau, the Danish state has required the nation’s telecommunications companies to take random samples of Danes’ internet usage since 2007.


 Søren Pind: »Jeg svarer ikke på, om NSA aflytter danskerne«


Justitsminister Søren Pind vil ikke svare på, om han har kendskab til NSA-aflytninger i Danmark.

René Kornum

Efter et samråd på Christiansborg torsdag står det fortsat uklart, om Danmark har været udsat for aflytninger i stil med den velkendte Angela Merkel-sag fra Tyskland.
På spørgsmålet fra SF og LA om, hvorvidt justitsministeren har personlig kendskab til aflytninger i Danmark, fastslog Søren Pind (V), at det ønskede han ikke at svare på.

Spørgsmålet kommer på baggrund af Jyllands-Postens omtale af en sag fra 2009, hvor NSA blandt andet via telefonoplysninger optrevlede en terrorcelle med forbindelse til Danmark og den afdøde danske konvertit Kenneth Sørensen.
Justitsministeren er dog tryg ved gældende regler og ser intet behov for at ændre på loven, som han finder klokkeklar.
»Hvis udenlandske efterretningstjenester har behov for at foretage sig noget i Danmark, skal de i givet fald gøre det i forståelse med de danske efterretningstjenester. Og de danske efterretningstjenester skal sikre sig, at samarbejdet ikke strider imod dansk ret,« fastslår Søren Pind.

Kilde: http://www.version2.dk/artikel/soeren-pind-jeg-svarer-ikke-paa-om-nsa-aflytter-danskerne-573024


Venstres it-ordfører var tilfreds, da sessionslogningen fik sparket i 2014. Nu foreslår Søren Pind det igen.

København: Regeringen har med justitsminister Søren Pind (V) i spidsen fredag løftet sløret for et forslag om at indføre sessionslogning, der registrerer brugernes mobilfærden på internettet.

Men det kommer helt bag på Venstres it-ordfører, Torsten Schack Pedersen, der intet har hørt om forslaget.
Læs videre : http://www.bt.dk/politik/v-ordfoerer-kender-ikke-til-pinds-overvaagningsforslag