Jan 12, 2016

BREAKING: “The Power to Cure” unravels the many conspiracies around the deaths of multiple holistic Doctors - Jan 12, 2016 (illegal import of GcMAF to USA, Doctors who supposedly got killed by agents working for Big Pharma Industry because they coincidental discover the enzyme "Nagalase" which Inhibits the Power of GcMAF to fight Cancer and Autism...)

Blogger: Nu hvor debatten raser over hvordan vi skal betale for livsforlængende medicin så som kræftsyge patienter der koster samfundet 670.000 kr. årligt per person. Hvor mange kroner må de sidste måneder af et menneskeliv koste? Radio27syv/reporterne sætter spørgsmålstegn på netop det, de interviewer Lars som har leukæmi... Vil vi som samfund betale den pris, eller skal Lars dø? ...Regeringens sundhedsudspil "Investering i vores fælles sundhed" afsætter 1,9  mia. kr. i 2016 og 15 mia. kr. fra  2016 til 2020. Hvad hjælper det, når politikerne er i lommen på den farmaceutiske industri som har så meget magt og indflydelse med lobbyister og penge, at de 'ejer' en del af vores liv, indtil vi dør. Vi dør nemlig af mangel på livsnødvendigt indtagelse af føde, medicin, operation, stråling, kemoterapi og anti-hormonbehandling når vi får kræft... Der findes så mange 'naturlige' aktive produkter som kan redde os, Essiac Tea, Cannabis olie (opvarmet THC) or RÅ format (TCHa non Psychoactive)), Kollorid Sølv, Natriumbikarbonat, B3 vitamin (niacin) og jeg kunne blive ved... Hvordan 'slipper' vi den etableret lægevidenskab/farmaceutiske industri? Her er nogle eksempler på, hvordan du Selv kurere, detoxer og neutralisere bla. din kræftsygdom .... læs videre her

“After seeing the powerful short film Brian Hammers created that touched so many,  I am humbled to now be attached to the making of this feature film. I trust that it can bring much needed attention to the deaths of these world renowned doctors, who helped countless people on their short time here on Earth.”
– Erin Elizabeth, founder HealthNutNews.com, author of the holistic doctor death series

The Inspiration

Use my 'Search' bar and put in "holistic doctors" or "GcMAF"
When you find a story that moves you to action, that’s the one. That’s the one that makes all of youryears of training, learning, and searching come together. That’s the one that catapults you from talking and into DOING. For me, it’s “The Power to Cure”. I’ve spent that last 15 years working in every area of the entertainment business from acting to producing, assistant directing, program director for a major film festival, running coffee, head of production, and directing. All in preparation to helm “The Power to Cure”.

When we first started reading the details of Dr. Jeff Bradstreet’s death, something didn’t add up. Something just sat wrong. Then more holistic Doctors started passing away. After every one of the deaths we were certain that these stories would get out. Nope. We knew we had to help create a voice for these events. This feature film is important because people have a right to know. People shouldn’t have to die because of the color of the flag they live under. Now is the time to speak up, now is the time to be heard.

Read more: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-power-to-cure-feature-film#/