Dec 28, 2015

December Monthly Update by Cobra (Must-listen YouTube:' Quarantine Earth Endgame ' It is safe now to release certain intel that will bring much clarity to the whole situation concerning the Event and the dynamic tension between the Light and the dark forces... removal of Cabal's advanced weaponry, removal layer-by-layer of Quarantine Earth advanced technologies...Stardust enormous healing powers.. jesuits backed Blackwater/Academi mercenaries to trick Ukraine/Russia into a military conflict & replace orthodox church with Jesuit-friendly Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church... Soon war will break out to remove Cabal. A mysterious »unknown benefactor« has approached certain mafia groups and they have sworn allegiance to him and turned their backs to their previous sponsors, the Illuminazi and the Jesuits)

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With a short delay, I am posting the December monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter. You can read the transcript if you scroll down the page on the following link:

The transcript begins on that page below the picture of old US dollar bills from 1880.
The Youtube audio version is available here:
 You can send your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview.

Published on Dec 11, 2015

Quarantine Earth Endgame. It is safe now to release certain intel that will bring much clarity to the whole situation concerning the Event and the dynamic tension between the Light and the dark forces.

Transcript and URL links at: