Sep 18, 2015

An Hour With An Angel ~ Sanat Kumara on the Process of Ascension (Important note about Ascension Wave planned for Sept 28 and beyond)

Sanat Kumara er leder af det åndelige Hierarki for Planeten Jorden. Sanat Kumara er den store Guru af "seed" af Kristus i hele vores Cosmos. Han og Lady Master Venus, er de åndelige Hierarki af planeten Venus, og han er en af de syv hellige Kumaras (Lords af ild, der repræsenterer de syv stråler på Venus). Han indleder os på vej mod Ascension. Han har skiftevis blevet kaldt "The One Initiator", "The Youth of Endless Summers", "The Fountainhead of the Will", "The Ancient of Days" (i Biblen), samt "The Lord of the World". Forud for at komme til denne planet(Jorden), havde han levet 900.000 liv i hele universet, mange af dem som planeternes redningsmænd og livet for lederskab for planeternes civilisationer. Cirka 18 millioner år siden, valgte ("The Solar Logos" - Skaberen af dette system af planeter) at opløse planeten Jorden, fordi den evolutionære udvikling af planeten og hendes livsformer gik så dårligt, grundet planlagte fremskridt fejlede. Hvad der så skete kan i finde på nettet.... 

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September 17, 2015 ~Steve Beckow: Sanat Kumara was our guest today, and he discussed recent rumors that September 28 is the date of the first wave of Ascension.

He pointed out that people have been ascending through the Ascension portal for some time now and so it isn’t accurate to speak of a first wave at this time.

He said that we Humans want dates. We want to mark occasion, and so the Company of Heaven is content to allow us to create dates. But there is not a special Ascension Wave planned for September 28. We are capable, in these higher energies, of ascending now, or tomorrow, or the next day.

As for a third of the planet ascending, perhaps a third have already ascended. No, ascending ones do not disappear from the Earth.

The level of energy being sent to us is unprecedented. It is coming from all levels of beings – Archangels, Seraphim, Elohim, etc.
He described the new additive nature of evolution for us, as compared with the dissolutive nature of life in the old Third. He described the “new domain” that we’re creating and how we’re co-creating it with the Company of Heaven.

An Hour With An Angel Airs no later than 7pm ET on alternate Thursdays. Linda Dillon channels Archangel Michael and other guests from the Council of Love to provide spiritual teachings and guidance on co-creating the New Earth. Interviewed by Steve Beckow, editor of the Golden Age of Gaia. Produced by Suzanne Maresca.