Jul 29, 2015

Nasa's 'impossible' fuel-free thrusters DO work: German scientists confirm viability of super-fast space travel that could slash a journey to the moon down to 4 HOURS - July 29, 2015

Læs også: NASA bekræfter endelig, at den opfundne "umulige rum-motor" fungere - Med en evighedsstrømkilde
  • Martin Tajmar presented his work at the American Institute for Aeronautics
  • His results confirm thrusts from EMDrive as previously claimed by Nasa
  • Claims his findings could revolutionise space travel with increased speed
  • When first proposed the EMDrive baffled physicists as it appeared to violate the law of conservation of momentum
Martin Tajmar, professor and chair for Space Systems at the Dresden University of Technology confirmed that the EMDrive would work. Pictured is the first device created by Roger Sawyer