Apr 9, 2015


Berlingske: »Danmarks hær er en milits« Hæren mangler udholdenhed og kan ikke længere kæmpe selvstændigt, mener tidligere forsvarschef. De Konservative er klar til at genoverveje et mobiliseringsforsvar. De konservative ønsker at øge forsvarsbudgettet med en milliard kroner om året. ......"Har de ikke lige beskåret forsvaret i 2012 med 2,7 milliarder? Skal de nu til at bekæmpe Rusland og Putin... Sikken en farce... I virkeligheden er vi presset af USA og NATO til at mobilisere og bruge penge på millitæret, ligesom i Koldkrigstiden...Den Verdensomspændende Militære Industrielle Kompleks skal fødes jo ellers overlever Cabal's elite jo ikke. "Teflon Helles" overforbrug - Hold fast her: 30 Kampfly (1 milliard stk), 450 nye pansrede mandskabsvogne(PMV ca. 30 mill pr. stk), 12 nye terrortiltag(1 milliard), 235 Millioner alene til konsulenter - samlet pris: ca. 45 milliarder alene til nyerhvervelser... I 1949 var der et budget på 360 millioner, 2013 var budgettet på 20 milliarder (2014-2015 hemmelige) Har man ikke allerede brugt både 2014 og 2015 budgettet?  uden, at ansattes lønninger og skibe og andet er indberegnet ...Lidegaard har i 2014 sagt at "Danmarks militære aktivisme skal nedtones".... Hvorfor skal Danmark være med i Krige mod regimer og nationer som ikke er i Krig med os? Hvad skal vi med et militær i Danmark? Hvorfor skal vi stå i spiden hver gang Obama eller NATO kvækker og spræller med sablen?.... ja ja tænker du så, ved godt Obama hæver forsvarsbudgettet med 3500 milliarder kroner, men med vores lille land ude i Frontzonen hver gang? Skal vi medvirke til WWIII med Israel, USA, NATO, Ukraine?


The Cheyenne Mountain Complex is one of the icons of the Cold War - a self-contained and sufficient town buried under the Rockies meant to be impervious to a Soviet nuclear barrage.

It was home to the North American Aerospace Command (NORAD), scanning the skies for Russian missiles and the military command and control center of the United States in the event of World War Three.

The high tech base entered popular culture with appearances in the 1983 Cold War thriller War Games and 1994's Stargate - which imagined the complex as a clandestine home for intergalactic travel.

Secret: The Cheyenne Mountain Complex in Colorado was built for NORAD to direct the American response to a nuclear war with the USSR during the Cold War

Protection: There are 15 three story building inside the military complex and each is buffered by a 25-ton blast door
Small town: The Cheyenne Mountain Complex is home to more than 1,000 personnel and is able to operate as an underground town for months with fresh water and food

It shut down nearly ten years ago as the threat from Russia seemed to subside, but this week the Pentagon announced that Cheyenne Mountain will once again be home to the most advanced tracking and communications equipment in the United States military.

The shift to the Cheyenne Mountain base in Colorado is designed to safeguard the command's sensitive sensors and servers from a potential electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack, military officers said.

The Pentagon last week announced a $700 million contract with Raytheon Corporation to oversee the work for North American Aerospace Command (NORAD) and US Northern Command.Admiral William Gortney, head of NORAD and Northern Command, said that 'because of the very nature of the way that Cheyenne Mountain's built, it's EMP-hardened.'