Apr 18, 2015

Reader, link: "Hollywood producer Nathan Folks says Boston Bombing was false-flag fakery"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 18-Apr-2015 02:22:34

In Response To: Hollywood Insider Exposes False Flag Terror! "Class Action Lawsuit" -vid (Jordon)

(Thanks, Reader. :)

A Reader sends us:

Nathan Folks
NOTE from article:
Nathan Folks says he began speaking out right after the bombings. Then strange things started happening to him. He became very sick although he’s “never been sick” in his life. He “couldn’t hold water, couldn’t hold food,” and was hospitalized for a total of 22 days in the course of 3 months. Nathan Folks suspects it was some kind of poison but the doctors “couldn’t determine what it was.” It nearly killed him. It took him 3 to 6 months of rehabilitation to get back on his feet.
Folks says other people who had spoken out about the Boston bombing hoax at the same time as he was, e.g., “the guy who runs [the website] Natural News,” also were poisoned. Some “disappeared.”Original source:

Hollywood producer Nathan Folks says Boston Bombing was false-flag fakery

...article begins:
Nathan (Nathaniel) Folks is a film producer and talent manager who has been in the entertainment industry since 1997 when he worked at Paramount Pictures marketing the blockbuster motion picture, Titanic, starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
In an interview with the Voice of Russia’s John Robles, Folks says that back in April 2013 as he was watching the events of the Boston Marathon bombings unfold, based on his experience and expertise as a movie producer, he thought that some things just “didn’t add up” and became convinced that the bombings were a false flag designed to instill “the fear factor” in us, “to keep us scared for as long as they can.” The Boston bombing wasn’t real but a “hyper-reality film-making.” It was a “terrorism that never happened.”Full article with photos and embedded links:
