Apr 18, 2015



Matt Kahn er en spirituel lærer, mystiker, og intuitiv healer. Hans spontane vækkelse opstod ud af en ud-af-kroppen-oplevelse i en alder af 8, og hans direkte erfaringer med opstegne mestre og ærkeengle hele sit liv. Matt fungerer som en bro mellem den mystiske riger og rejsen af opvågnen. Mange åndeligt søgende har oplevet forbløffende, uforklarlige fysiske og følelsesmæssige helbredelser, og har vakt til deres sande natur gennem Matts dybe og kærlige lærdomme og transmission af hellige hjerte visdom. Matt og Julie tilbyde deres klare intuitive vejledning og kærlige tilstedeværelse, at fjerne alle opfattelser af forhindringer i dit liv og for energisk, at støtte dig gennem alle aspekter af den åndelige rejse og oplevelse af opvågnen.
A Message to All Innocent Hearts,

During this time of Ascension, you are bound to feel the threat of struggle and survival that comes from living in a world until you realize your highest destiny is to live for the world in view. Fulfilling your highest destiny of living for the world means dispelling all destructive tendencies, whether in yourself or others, through the implementation of constructive choices.

This means any condition you discover in yourself does not belong to you in any way. It is merely what you came to the world to transform on behalf of humanity as a contribution that celebrates the power of your eternal light. Conditions are not released by trying to avoid, understand, or evacuate the patterns repeating in your field. Each one is transformed by honoring, accepting, and loving what has been judged as being other than the light and never truly loved as only you can love it.

Every conscious choice of loving yourself as the world in view radiates a vibration of light that reflects out into the perception of life. With diligence and dedication, the vibration sent out through your celebration of conscious choices reflects back a world as liberated and loving as you’ve allowed yourself to be. This reveals the supreme strategy of an awakened being. It is the willingness to unravel the doubt and despair of a world, by embodying a radiance of inspired choices that invites the world to taste the grace of liberated joy.

As an awakened being, you have come to know the pain, despair, suffering, and separation of a collective unconsciousness, so you may realize that while you are not the source of any problem in view — you are the solution to everything you see.

Even if the willingness to make the most loving choices in your life, as a conscious act of assisting in the awakening of humanity feels daunting, I invite you to approach this threshold – one choice at a time. It is important to remember that such a willingness to be the love that seems absent from the world doesn’t prevent unconscious outcomes from appearing in form. Instead, the recognition of unconscious behavior acts as a reminder to surrender into conscious action even deeper than ever before.

When the world is overwhelmed by fear, it is an opportunity to celebrate the joy of faith even louder to free those who still may be bound. When the world is in conflict, dare to love your own heart at an even deeper level to dissolve the hatred reflected in view.

May these words inspire you to no longer fear the facade of an unconscious world that is only as stifling and overwhelming as an innocent tendency to withhold love from it. As you begin to feel the harmony, peace and joy created by your willingness to love what arises, you begin to view your choices from a different perspective. This allows you to revel in the bliss of watching a world awaken, heal, and transform at the rate in which the power of your choices are returned to the light of consciousness.

Whether it begins with smiles offered to strangers, compliments given to those around you, or the willingness to send silent “I love you’s” to whomever you meet, I invite you to dissolve into the transcendence of divine perfection and see how incredible this world can be when the truth of who you are comes out to play.

May all beings be blessed and may the eternal love of your true divine nature be revealed as I AM now.

Matt Kahn