Apr 16, 2015

Monsters among us – Evil with a nice face (Part III) (Updated) (#1 on Top 10 List)- April 16, 2015

It is time for all Americans to become informed of the soulless Monsters of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia that walk among us. And it is time to stop them cold in their anti-human Satanic Agenda for America and the World.

by Preston James, Editor

We now know for certain that the “two-faced” Chieftains and Kingpins of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate, are the Top American Policy-makers and the covert rulers of America and will remain so until we fully expose them and then stop them cold.

Khazarian Mafia (KM) Chieftains and Kingpins project a socially desirable, outwardly public-oriented appearance. But they have a soulless inner self that is so evil and in such stark contrast to their outward “friendly” appearance that it is unimaginable to most Americans.

Those who become their Cutouts and “owned” Assets are individuals who tend to be sociopathic too, are known to be weak and to easily respond to the “seven sins”.
Because those who become KM cutouts and assets desired to rise to the top in a Khazarian Mafia (KM) system of success that controls the highest echelons of the USG, they were typically easily conned by the outwardly desirable appearance of these criminally-insane KM “Beasts”, or by the draw of their money, status and power.

These soulless, sociopathic KM chieftains and kingpins, who are best described as “monsters,” cannot maintain power without complete abject secrecy of their incredibly evil, inhumane acts against nature and mankind, or without their massive, private Fiat counterfeiting machine disguised as a bank.

And with the advent of the worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg press, the Rothschild KM and its chieftains, kingpins, cutouts and assets, as well as its foreign-based espionage inside America and its efforts to create endemic corruption and death at every level in America, are being exposed more and more every day.

It’s only a matter of time, and the whole world will be turning against the Rothschild KM and its main action agent doing espionage in America, Israel, the nation that attacked America with nukes on 9-11-01, falsely blamed on Mideast Islamics in the biggest Gladio-style False-flag attack in history.
After the 9-11-01 Israeli nuclear attack on America, the two Mideast wars in Iraq and Afghanistan completely destroyed Iraq as a nation, and was responsible for over a million innocent civilian deaths, as well as many thousands of dead, wounded and disabled American soldiers who never should have been sent there in the first place.

These two Mideast wars — illegal, unconstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared, un-winnable, and perpetual — were caused by Israel and fought on behalf of Israel, not for the USA or Americans.

The KM chieftains who run Israel as the KM’s main action agent were able to manipulate the US Congress and the Administration into sending American Soldiers to die, become casualties and suffer so terribly in these wars for Israel.

They have made sure that American soldiers and civilians have been exposed to disabling amounts of Depleted Uranium (DU), which itself is a war crime and a crime against humanity, just as is the torture ordered by Bush2, Cheney and Rumsfeld.

This of course has been a long term attempt to mass-murder our young American men and women by using them as KM cannon fodder to advance the KM World Agenda and create their “Greater Israel”.

If the KM is able to wipe out, disable, sicken and weaken most of our soldiers, it then becomes much easier to take down and destroy America using the KM’s new Homeland Security, an Israeli Secret police occupation force set up by Likudists inside America and designed to be used to destroy America forever.

AIPAC and their other espionage fronts inside America have funneled so much money to the US Congress that they literally own its members in body and mind and have transformed them into traitors to America, which as treason, is a capital offense.

You cannot take money from AIPAC-type espionage fronts and work on their behalf, placing your first loyalties for Israel and NOT America unless you well along the way in losing your soul.

The World is already turning against Israel and divesting from Israel over their tyranny, blockading, genocide and massive land theft against Palestinians, which most have begun to view as Israeli Apartheid against Palestinians — 80% of whom have ancient Hebrew lineage, while 97.5% of the Judaics living in Israel have NO ancient Hebrew blood.

The American Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) was used to provide a cover up, keeping Americans from knowing Israel attacked America with nukes and manipulated and mind-kontrolled most Americans into believing that this attack was done by radical Islamics from Afghanistan and Iraq, which was a complete lie.

Janus Principle
Part I and Part II of “Evil with a nice Face” described those Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Chieftains, Kingpins, Cutouts and Assets who operate as soulless, functional sociopaths with a pleasant public persona according to the Janus Principle.