Mar 7, 2015

Urgent Message To Ground Crew – Total Solar Eclipse – March 20 – Galactics

Published on Mar 4, 2015

URGENT NOTICE TO ALL OF GROUND CREW. A set of events that were set into motion resulted in a decision that will change the world as we know it. A few days ago I have received a transmission which is highly important for all of you to read. In it our Galactic Star Aliances talk about what has occurred and what is about to happen around March 20th, the “dark moon” as they call it, which is the solar eclipse.

Please be mindful of what you allow into your psyche. The times ahead are incredibly auspicious, everything that you want to happen will, therefore be careful what you wish for, and whatever you put into motion now will manifest very quickly into your reality. This is the time to create a beautiful new world, or rather restore it to the pristine state that it once were. Many in know understand the importance of these magnificent energies entering GAIA and so will try to pull your energy to them. Please focus on your now moment, disregarding whatever the media will try to feed you, in order to move your focus away from what you are truly here to do and are trying to achieve. The times between now and September are incredibly important. The more positive you stay the more light you can anchor, the better everything will be once we move closer and closer to September.

You can read this message here: https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpr...


It is time, don’t you think, that we follow in Jeshua’s footsteps and manifest his prophecy that says… “What I have done, you can do also… AND GREATER THINGS!” I don’t know about you guys out there, but I am really burning ready to LEAP, BE and CREATE in the ways we all DREAM of! I think this upcoming New Moon/Eclipse/Equinox offers us a massive portal and open long forgotten doors, manifest more of who we truly are, and ascend beyond the need for constant healing, clearing and processing. If you have screamed out “I QUIT”, and ready to toss in the towel, or realize your work up to now has been unacceptably ineffective, it is because we are already feeling the potential of this powerful opening coming. It is a new beginning to manifesting and creating something that can be brand new if we let go of our history and limitations.

NEW tools to break down boundaries and limitations: Scotland Highland Essences and Maya lands Essences! Spirit asked us to wait until this time to release these essences just before the huge life changing portal of the Super NEW MOON/ EQUINOX/ECLIPSE event on March 20th/21st!

New … Scotland Highland Essences, The Emissaries of the Creative Voice of the Universe Essence Series, which includes 4 new Scotland Essences. The major theme from this essence group is the breaking down of old limitations and boundaries to open to living mastery and to manifest even greater things. While on the Scotland pilgrimage, we got what we all termed “the wobblies”. We walked between worlds for most of this pilgrimage. It was otherworldly.

Also, we created two NEW Creative Master Level Alchemy Essences that are very powerful essences from the Palenque, Mexico area (Bonampak and Yaxchillan) over the gentle sacred days of the divine feminine and Goddess Guadalupe. These two New Essences are important harmonizing tools (a sacred staff that facilitates anchoring… and cosmic plasma that imparts divine energy).