Mar 18, 2015

Chopra Centered Lifestyle Newsletter - March 18, 2015 CET

Are the Health Benefits of Alcohol Overhyped?
By Valencia Porter, M.D., M.P.H., FACN
Even moderate alcohol consumption might have more risks than benefits. Find out whether that daily glass of red wine is as good for you as you think. Read more >>
Don’t let fear stand in the way of a fulfilling meditation practice. Here, Deepak Chopra talks about the most common fears and how they stem from simple misunderstandings. Read more >>
With spiritual practices like yoga and meditation becoming more popular, it seems like everyone is talking about mantras. Find out how you can use mantras to increase awareness and bring focus to your life. Read more >>
Release anger, jealousy, and fear—and make way for love and compassion when you open your heart chakra. Here’s how.
Life is full of challenges. Some people seem to meet every challenge with confidence, while others struggle to overcome them. Learn how to turn your challenges into opportunities for growth with these tips. Read more >>
Dreams can reveal important information about you and your life that’s hard to unravel while awake. Here’s how to find answers and get guidance from your own soul—while you sleep. Read more >>