Feb 15, 2015

The Rothschilds' Satanic Global Power Play- What happened after The Economist published this esoteric magazine cover?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Sunday, 15-Feb-2015 04:09:35

The Economist is among the English-speaking world's most influential current affairs and policy journals. It must be noted that the globally influential, Rothschild banking family is among its ownership group.

Therefore, when The Economist prints a cover as highly symbolic as it did just a few weeks ago, it is reasonable to assume that the globally influential banking powers, including the Rothschilds, intend to send a coded message to their elite readership and to the informed part of the world that is "in the know."

So what happened just after The Economist published this esoteric magazine cover?

Why, the so-called Islamist terror attacks in France, that's what. There was a horrific mass murder at the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, and another killing at a Jewish market in eastern Paris.

Many commentators, including me, view these attacks as a classic false flag operation, in which the alleged assailants were very likely disposable, throw-away patsies, that were first viciously used and then violently discarded by their shadowy intelligence agency handlers.

I say that because all of the alleged perpetrators were shot dead by the police within mere days. Since dead men tell no tales, the "official" police account of what happened rules the day.

But I think we can safely assume there was some sort of Rothschild involvement. After the attack at Charlie Hebdo's offices, there were reports in the European press that the next issue was printed at the offices of Libération, a Parisian newspaper which had been purchased just one month prior by -- wait for it -- a member of the Rothschild family, Édouard baron de Rothschild.

Moreover, a newspaper that was previously printing 30,000 copies, in just one week, after its editorial staff was shot dead, somehow managed to put out a new issue, with a print run of 7 million copies!

That only happens if there are very powerful hands working behind the scenes, making things happen on a huge scale. In a word, the fix is in. Things were prepared in advance by those who knew what was going to occur.

The Rothschilds' Economist Cover Telegram


Have many blog posts about Rothchild, perhaps this is one You did'nt know about Danish Central Bank? http://www.verdensalt.dk/2015/02/nationalbanken-har-snket-renten-pa.html