Nov 28, 2014

Interview with Danimal from RawBrahs - Teal Swan.... - Nov 28, 2014

Elsker at lytte til Teal Swan, det virker som om, hun indeholder et helt liv af erfaringer, en rummelighed og begavelse indenfor den spirituelle verden som jeg ikke har set før. Hun går nødvendigvis ikke med strømmen, har helt selv sin egen opfattelse af tingenes tilstand og giver forklaringer som er præcise, nøgtern og virkelig rammende for vores livsaspekt og giver et meget større perspektiv end så mange andre.

Lyt til mere: How to feel better Teal Swan feeling

Danimal deltog i et af Teal Swan's seiminar og her er hvad de i store dele taler om i hans videocast:

- Aiming on highest vibrations to the source...
- Finding the Inner child experiences, resolving the wunds and see the transformations explode to a    

  higher vibrational state   (Soul retreval work)...
- PSTD, inplesident memory or traumers....
- consciousness restrictions where ebola exist - like in Africa or other extreme places with poverty, taken an Overview of the world has pockets of super dark energi, where freqency and vibrations are very low with low density exist.....
- Skiing Olympics /sports and competing nature - We have a master plan before we get on earth, You cannot want something that is not meant to be yours..
- your passion and your joy is absolute synonyms..Keep doing to thing in life, that makes You happy, and obseve the time will disapear and life is a joy.. (cut of the Middle man)
- Most succesfull people, discuss and talk about their state of mind, like jealousy, shameless, and all emotions and feelings to bring front and center and accept the person you are unconditionally .
- Teal Swan - At First of here career, everybody treated her like a goddess, but it was more and more like a separation cause everyone where putting their problems on her, until she exposed her inner very traumatized problems from her own experiences ..
- Teal Swan attending psycholog sessions and badly advice was given to her about "be forgiven and move on" over and over, she had a super bad torture as childhood etc..- literally a jam pack of 13 years of every issue that woman goes through world wide... healing went on and forgiveness
for the trauma who has inflected to her and learned the way instead of being hatefull and revengeful
- Spiritual drugs...
- Homosexuality.. Both soul contract and serious issues between parent and child i na very young age.
- bipolarity.. none beliver
- Depression - Is self-hatred and angering turn in against oneself. Spressing Yourself with these types of energies.
- Sleep - is a reset, body also integrate a lot of memory, Your consciousness retreat to source energi and in that state can heal itself and other tings can happent..
- Dreams - Out of body, experience multidimision realaty 5D and 6D mostly..
- Jesus - jesus is ultimate empath - seious teacher leader,
- ruva recognizing, understanding, validating, acknowledgement...