Feb 28, 2015

(Repost & Reblog) Når man kan hælde spiritualitet på dåse, så vil jeg gerne ha' noget nu tak! 28. Februar 2015

Hvordan viser du din lykke?
Udgivet den 24. juli 2014 af Verdensalt.dk

Det er utvivlsomt den aller bedste tid, at være i live lige nu på vores planet. Vi har alle sammen valgt, at blive hængende, bedt om og spurgt om, fordi tidsperioden netop nu, oplysningens tid er på vej. De fleste mennesker er slet ikke klar over, vi bliver stopfordret med strømninger af energier hele tiden og har gjort det i lang tid nu for en accelerede version af Ascension, som ingen andre sjæle har oplevet før nogen steder i universet. I øjeblikket forestår begivenheder og klargøring for  at bringe denne plantes frihed, fred og velstand. Ting sker for at befri os alle fra styreformer, der virker til at undertrykke din frihed, som har undertrykt dig med løgne om, hvad det i virkeligheden sker. Dette tyranni er nu ved at blive forvandlet. Vi fortsætter med at bevæge os hastigt fremad  mod de transaktioner, som frembringelse de nye finansielle og bankmæssige instrumenter. De enorme rigdomme der længe har været skjult af de store dynastiske og spirituelle familier er næsten klar til at blive distribueret ud til alle mennesker på jorden. Vi har fået en gave ovenfra, lad udrensningerprocessen begynde!

"Jamen - jeg føler mig ikke anderledes og klar til oplysningens tid, jeg nægter at forstå, følger blot mine vante vaner, passe på mit eget ego, ingen skal røre ved mit liv og min identitet og desuden skaber jeg så lidt mulig opmærksom på mig selv!"

Hvis det var muligt for os at sidde oppe i stratosfæren og kigge ned på Jorden, ville vi måske være i stand til at se hvordan de mange forandringer, der i denne tid finder sted på vores planet og som hænger sammen i et større billede.

Uanset hvilken stadie af forandringsparathed, gennemgå alle mennesker en forstærket sanseoplevelse via strømninger af energier, hvert niveau af vibrationer kræver en indsats og fysisk tilpasning, fordi den såkaldte kærligheds tusanmi penetrere os alle dybt ind i vores grundvold, så at sige. Tilretning af vores DNA struktur - Transformation fra vores fysiske kulstofbaseret livsform (carbon) hen imod vores tidligere strålende krystallinsk form og transmutation (som i filmen Noah 2014 og de lysvæsner, der var udformet som klippe-vogtere, en version af forståelse). En anden fantastisk film 'Interstellar' som skulle efter sigende var åbenbaret af vores opstegne mestre...... 

"Men, det lyder helt galimatias."

Jeg kan bedst forklare det sådanne;  De såkaldte mørke kræfter fra vores fjerne historie - en hel menneskealder tilbage i vores tid, havde tilbøjeligheder til at ændre vores menneskelige DNA for at reducere mængden af ​​lys i vores organer. Det tillod dem at installere mønster af fysisk svaghed, sygdom, alderdom, død og alvorlig nedsat evne for intelligens og åndelig klarhed. Evnen til selvudvikling og forståelse, vores egen guddommelige højere selv var gemt langt væk og dermed også næste kærligheden til vores medmennesker og os selv.

"Vil det sige, jeg skal slippe alt hvad jeg har lært et helt liv, og tro på små grønne mænd tusinder år tilbage, være forandringsparat og tro på unikheden i mig selv, måske begynde at elske mig selv ligefrem?

Den helt normale reaktion, når vi bliver konfronteret med noget, vi ikke helt forstår, en fornægtelse, misbilligelse, hånlig latter af uvidenhed, afstandstagen, især for dem som stadig er solidt forankret i de lavere dimensioner af Jordens dualitet. Forsøg dig med en guided Tour

Se dig omkring, mærk tendensen. Gør dig den tjeneste, ta' dig tid til at, kigge efter de syndelige forandringer som er lige nu. Det er som om forhængene bliver trukket til side og de skjulte dagsordener på alle niveauer i samfundslivet kommer frem i lyset. Handlingsmønstre, som ikke er helt fine i kanten, har tidligere kunnet leve bag kulisserne, men den ene skandalesag efter den anden rulles nu op i medierne og de involverede bliver stillet til regnskab. Der er bare ingen som kan gemme sig mere, heller ikke dig og mig. Som Storm P. sagde engang "Mange millioner mennesker render forvirret om på jorden for at finde den længste vej til graven"

"Fint nok, men hvordan oplever vi så denne forandring i vores fysiske legeme"?

Jesus: Your Loving, Peaceful Presence is a Unique and Irreplaceable Individual Field of Energy

Sananda udsender ugentlige budskaber for tiden, for os som har fulgt Jesus Sananda i længere tid, har det altid været en fryd og opløftende oplevelse for vores forståelse, hvad der sker omkring os. Den Opstegne Mester Sananda / Jesus / Kristus / Jeshua tjener som en lærer af hele verden, og var en af ​​de største Spirituelle healere, der gik på vores elskede planet Jorden/Nova/Gaia. Det er vigtigt at forstå, alle vores opstegne mestre og de galaktiske venner, så at sige, ikke har tilladelse til at bruge Deres beføjelser for at ændre forløbet af civilisationer, kun i yderst sjældne tilfælde. Universets lov. 

Kanaliseret af John Smallman 28-02-2015 CET
© 2015 johnsmallman.wordpress.com

Jesus Audio Blog for Wednesday February 28th

As we wait for humanity’s awakening, and truly “wait” is the wrong word, it is as illusory as time because there is only the eternal “now,” we can feel very strongly the constantly intensifying field of Love that you are holding and sharing as you align with the Tsunami of Love that envelops humanity.

You already know, yes, you KNOW that Love is the energy field that enables, encourages, and eternally maintains all that exists, that anything else is unreal, so you also know that your awakening is inevitable because it is the Will of God Who is infinite unconditional Love, and Whose Will is for you to live in eternal joy.

Reality, the field of Love, the energy field in which all exists, was created to provide eternal joy for all, and that is what It does. That is God’s Will, and His Will is constant, unchanging, and in effect now!

The illusion, the unreality that you seem to experience, that is filled with pain, suffering, illness, disease, conflict, war, hate, and resentment is the result of your attempt to separate from your divine Source.

You chose to exclude Love from your separated state, only It cannot be excluded. Being All that exists, It can only be hidden from your awareness, and only by your denial of It.

Who Killed Boris Nemtsov? - Caught: The CIA at it again - February 28, 2015 CET

Summary: In all likelihood, the February 27 assassination of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov is part of the CIA’s campaign of discrediting Russian President Vladimir Putin and destablizing the nuclearly-armed Russian Federation.

A few hours ago, on the evening of February 27, 2015, Boris Nemtsov (1959-2015), former deputy prime minister of the Russian Federation and a leader of the Russian opposition, was murdered, some 200 meters away from the Kremlin. According to a CIA-sponsored publication that lost no time in updating Nemtsov’s biography, he had been “an outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin.”

Was President Vladimir Putin behind this murder—or was it someone else?

To begin with, everyone agrees that Putin is a brilliant strategist and politician. Against all odds, he has so far brought Russia from the brink of utter poverty, disintegration, and disaster. One has just to watch him improvising a press conference, calmly, competently, and tirelessly, to realize that one is dealing here with a real, almost forgotten, specimen of a lost art: superb statesmanship.

So, we need to ask ourselves: What could Putin gain from the killing of Nemtsov? On first sight, it might appear that he had plenty to gain, for the two were clearly at odds about the future direction of Russia. But with an 85% popularity rating—by far the highest of any politician on our war-ridden planet—Putin has no need to assassinate his opponents.

Moreover, according to the facts put forward by a CIA-sponsored publication, and despite attempts to lionize the likes of Kasparov and Nemtsov in the Western captive media, Nemtsov was a political small potato who posed no threat whatsoever to the immensely popular Putin. Thus, Wikipedia tells us: “In the parliamentary elections of December 2003 the Union of Rightist Forces, whose list was headed by both Nemtsov and Chubais, received just 2.4 million votes, or 4% of the total, thus falling short of the 5% threshold necessary to enter Parliament and losing all of its seats in the State Duma.” Nemtsov didn’t even manage to get elected as mayor of Sochi, winning a mere 14% of the vote in the 2009 mayoral elections of that city. Putin would have to be not only ruthless but insane to order the killing of such an obviously unpopular fifth columnist.

COBRA - February Monthly Update Transcript - Rob Potter & Cobra

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen : http://2012portal.blogspot.com ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen. 


Jumping directly to the transcripted interview.......

Rob – Hello ladies and gentleman. Welcome to another special edition of Victory of the Light radio show with our esteemed guest Cobra. I’m very honored to have him here every week and be part of this process, of sharing and participation of humanity in the plans to liberate this planet and break the earth’s quarantine. Lots of wonderful things coming up for us. Cobra, we have lots of questions in lots of different areas. Before we start, I’d like to tell everyone who does sends me questions, please understand Cobra and I do not answer personal questions about what happened to you when you were younger. And we can not be given questions about what other people are doing or for instance: “Did you read what so and so said?” We don’t know what these people are doing and we do not answer questions based on homework. If you have something that so and so said – you don’t have to say that that person said it. Just ask a question about that to us and we can do that. I must be be specific about that. I’ve had to reject many questions that way. I apologize to you people. I know you want those answers. Without further adieu – Cobra, thank you for coming on again and welcome to the Victory of Light radio show, special edition.

COBRA – Thank you for the invitation.

Rob – It’s always wonderful to have you here. We’ve had so many changes and so many positive good news reports since we last spoke. We had the post that the quarantine was near and everyone said, ‘Has the event happened?’ I said, ‘Well if the banks have not been shut down and you don’t see arrests or take-overs or the media announcing things going on, no.’ I said, ‘Then obviously the event has not happened.’ Then we got another post from you saying it is near. Then the breakaway has begun. You made further clarification in another post that actually declared that we’ve taken down some of the plasma scalar field networks on the physical plane as well as within the solar system. And previously you had mentioned that the solar system was cleared.
I understand . . you know there are different security things and they’re going on there. Can you give us an update on what’s going now in the solar system? Has there been more movement in taking out some of these bases within the solar system of the negative Chimera or the breakaway group?

WhoNeedsLight - Father/Source: On Earth As It Is In Heaven - February 28, 2015 CET

I do recognize many truthseekers and Lightworkers consider Kathryn E. May as hoax and scam artist with self centered attitude, however besides her high price tag workshop retreats etc. I do personally find her transcribed messages uplifting and liberating, truth or not. You decide. The day when heads of the 13 families surrender ( incl. Banksters Rothchilds), will be the end of Cabal, fear will disappear and freedom for Terra.


In the coming messages and radio shows, we will be walking everyone through the process from Creation to the present, in a general way, having to do especially with the creation and evolution of souls. Each message will build on the ones before, so I encourage you to follow along with us. Every broadcast will be on Wednesday evening at 8 EST, and all will be archived on www.BlogTalkRadio.com/ChannelPanel. All the written messages will be sent out by email, and you can sign up for them at www.whoneedslight.org.

The following excerpt is a short message I gave to Kathryn before the radio show to begin our Program of Soul Studies last Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015. I began with this part of the story so that you would have a bit of an explanation of how I learned about Creation. I continued the story on the radio, but I will give you the first part here for those who may not yet have listened. I hope you enjoy it. It is my story.

'Every soul in the Multiverse - every conscious being - is engaged in the process of creation and ascension to higher vibrational levels. It is true that the descent from higher dimensions into the human body in 3D was not really a descent of the soul, which had to then climb out of it. Not at all. Anyone - Masters, angels, even I could send soul incarnations to live a lifetime on Planet Earth. This does not mean we "fell". It means we decided to recalibrate downward to lower vibrational levels in order to experience the dense environment of Earth.

Let me tell you something about myself. I am your Creator, after all, so you deserve to know who I am. I will tell you what I do, how things began, how I learned to create, and how I created the Universes and you, my children.
The Universal Laws were already in place when I awakened. I discovered them fairly soon, by trial and error. I was like a child awakening on an endless beach, but there was no sand, no ocean, no fish, etc.

Stop saying " I Want", and start saying "I Have!" (Law of Attraction) - Feb 28, 2015

Læs mere om Affirmations - bekræftigelser: http://www.verdensalt.dk/p/think-global-act-local.html

Nyheder fra ZAP og andre angående forestående Revaluering af Valuta og TRN - 27. Feb 2015 CET

Finansielle akronymer (Update: St. Germain World Trust)











Cosmic Vision News 27. Februar 2015 CET

Cosmic Vision News: CVN vært, Geoffrey West tilbyder nyheder, kommentarer og lejlighedsvis diskussion om de senestebegivenheder, der udspiller med hensyn til, hvad der formodentligt er den vigtigste begivenhed for at forbedre den menneskelige og planetariske tilstand: AFSLØRING. CVN fremmer og tilskynder til modig dialog på verdensplan, mens de forbereder alle til re-introduktion af vores galaktiske familier. CVN omhandler også aktuelle begivenheder, der understøtter et skift til en fredelig planet. Geoffrey West er en del af det team som står bag: GoldenAgeOfGaia.com, kan lyttes til direkte/downloades/MP3, smides på en USB nøgle/iPhone og lyttes til på din vej. Husk tidsforskellen på udgivelsen. Direkte Link her (blogtalkradio

9. ( 73:54 ) FINAL WORDS

Direct Link --> http://inlightuniversal.com/cosmic-vision-news-27feb15/

Not possible to embed into blog anymore

Feb 27, 2015

Regeringens Propaganda Professor: Straf forældre, der ikke vaccinerer deres børn mod mæslinger - Forældre skal straffes med bøde, hvis de ikke lader deres børn vaccinere mod mæslinger, mener en ekspert i medicinsk etik.

Før du går ud og vaccinere dig og dine børn mod mæslinger, kunne det være du skal læse min artikel først...

De 10 mest dødelige plager og vacciner med neuro-toksiner - Anno 2014 - 13. Feb, 2015

Regeringens Propaganda Maskine (dr.dk)

Suzanne Lie: The Arcturians. The NOW of the ONE – The Message Hidden Inside the LIGHT

Arcturians er en race, der kommer fra den 
blå planet, der kredser den røde kæmpestjerne Arcturus i Bootes konstellation. Arcturus kredser cirka 36 lysår fra vores solsystem. Arcturians er den mest avancerede civilisation i galaksen, transcendere ind i 4. og 5. dimension. Mange kender Arcturians, som velvillige væsener. Men hvad kun nogle ved, er læren som Arcturians følger. Indhyllet i mystik, og tabt i de åndelige oversættelser gennem kommunikation og kanaliseringer af Arcturians til mennesker, en race af væsener synes at eksistere og kommunikere fundamentale love, der styrer eksistensen af ​​fred, kærlighed og glæde. Denne grundlæggende lovgivning tillader Arcturians at skubbe i retning af højere planer af eksistens og give mulighed for fortsat vækst i et begrænset fysiske univers. Arcturians menes at komme fra en kredsende himmellegeme, der ikke har været opdaget af jordiske astronomer. 

Kanaliseret af Suzanne Lie 27-02-2015 
© 2015 suzanneliephd

Dear Arcturians,

Is there a message for me today?

Yes, dear Earth Emissary,

There is a message for you every day, every hour and every minute. There is, in fact, a steady flow of Light Language energy packages that infinitely flow from our dimension, our Mothership and our collective hearts into the hearts of our very brave volunteers.

Your family and friends aboard the Ship hold you all in great esteem. Among them is your own higher expression of SELF who has sacrificed a component of sacred essence to live within your Earth vessel.

We come to you all today to assist you in remembering how to read your Light Language packages. We know that you feel these messages are within your heart, but your Earth vessel Self may not realize that that brief feeling of Love and inner peace is because you have just received another Light Language package, which we will now refer to as Packages from Home.

On the Ship we send a thoughtform to each other when we perceive that our human representative is ready for and/or needs another Light Language package. More and more of you are beginning to remember and acknowledge your higher dimensional SELF on the Ship and/or serving in higher dimensions. Many of you are also becoming aware of the YOU who is serving on Fifth Dimensional “New Earth.”

Wake up Call: St. Germain, February 27, 2015

Opstegne Mester Saint Germain, Le Comte de Saint Germain, den Europæiske vidundermand, og mange andre navne som tilhører den fascinerende mystiske mands kronik så som, "Manden der ved alt og aldrig dør". Han er kendt for sit engagement med at forme det 18. århundredes Europa. Han var et yndet gæst i Versailles, fortrolige med Kong Ludvig og Marie Antoinette, Napoleon, Katarina den Store af Rusland, og mange andre statsoverhoveder i dette tidsrum. Han var kendt for at have levet i 300 år aldrig aldrende, delvist på grund af den mystiske Elixir og andre alkymistiske stoffer, han skabte. Saint Germain har været fabrikanten af hele vores generation af kommende velgørenhedspakker, RV, GCR, PPP m.m. Hvis man forfølger de meddelelser fra vores opstegne mestre som sprøjter ud i øjeblikket, kan man sammenfatte sande beretninger og den fundamental forståelse for vores race. Kan naturligvis blot tale om min egen oplevelse og bevidsthedsniveau.

Kanaliseret af Nancy Tate 27-02-2015 CET
© 2015 

Nancy: St. Germain, I have had several responses to your message yesterday asking what it is you were referring to about the information in pertaining to the funds. Would you please give us more on that subject?

St Germain: I am glad that you asked, dear ones for this is a subject that has been spread worldwide in various groups and to various individuals. It represents the ways in which the funds will be distributed and utilized for the clearing of the widespread needs for the planet in so many ways. This has been being in the pathway for some years now, and because of the persistence of the people involved to stick with it and practice their expressions of believing in the procedures that are necessary in the reconstruction of the earth is so many ways, there will be funds distributed in the first steps to those who have been involved for so long. They have been living their life's purpose in the expression of being involved with this process, and now they are on the threshold of being able to take the next steps in their missions.

This is not to say that there won't be an additional distribution of the funds. It is a matter of the barricades that have been in place being removed as I speak in a procession of behind the scenes events that will one day be brought forward and told to the people as part of the disclosure of not only the truth of the universe but of what has been taking place on earth that has not been made public. The time is coming dear ones, for the truth to come forth. It will be for some of you a joyous gratitude you will feel for the truth to finally be set free. For others it will be a process of believing what they have will have been told, as compared to what they have been led to believe through this lifetime, and so many other lifetimes. Even the idea of multiple lifetimes will be something they will be considering whether to be truth, or more of the fiction that they have felt they are being told.

So, dear ones, when you hear of something that you're not sure of to be truth, just look around you and see how others are responding, how they have been living and how it is speaking itself in their lives. Then more importantly look within yourselves and ask for the inner guidance that resonates for you, and go forward with that. Trust in your own inner voice and then move forward in the power of that and the Love that you feel for all of mankind.

I believe in you. We all believe in you. It is time for all of you to believe in yourselves and walk forward in your truth in a way that can change not only your world, but also the rest of the world as One.

Thank you so much dear St. Germain. I'm sure that will help many people to understand.

Much Love, Nancy Tate

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: February 27, 2015

Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey 
© 2015 TreeOfTheGoldenLight

You are living in dramatic times when changes are going to take place very quickly. They are going to introduce you to the New Age that will eventually change virtually all aspects of your life.

They may take time to manifest but they are already taking shape, as the old set up is being dismantled. It was specifically meant to keep you in the dark and prevent you from realising your true potential.

The dark Ones intentionally concealed the truth of your true heritage, but that time is now coming to a close and those souls that are enlightened are leading the way forward.

It means that those who cannot release themselves from their old belief system, will gradually become more isolated. There is no shame or retribution where they are concerned, but is does mean that their next experience will be a continuation of what they have already chosen.

Be assured that many helpers are with such souls, encouraging them to have the desire to lift themselves up. Since time is an illusion it does not matter how long it takes for them to awaken.

Do not restrict your vision of the future as this is a time when everything is possible. Open your heart to the Light and allow your Love to embrace all souls, as in reality you are all One. The greatest lesson you can learn that is most important to your future is forgiveness, and it should not be limited in anyway at all.

All souls have at different times experienced both the Light and the dark energies in the course of gaining the experience needed to evolve. So as you see other souls today remember that they are working to release karma, for which their roles may be played out in both the Light and dark. Judgement therefore is made without a full understanding of the issues involved and it is best to simply send such souls your Love.

BREAKING!!! Niels Harrit Goes to Court on 9/11 skeptics - Niels Harrit Sues Danish Newspaper for Libel - February 27, 2015

Will Present Video of WTC 7 in Court

Danish TV2NEWS Clip ( clickable) 

Two weeks from today, Dr. Niels Harrit, the distinguished co-author of the landmark nano-thermite paper, will appear in Danish High Court to bring an appeal in his libel suit against the Danish newspaper Weekendavisen.

In a December 2012 article titled “Madness in the Royal Library,” Weekendavisen writer Søren K. Villemoes referred to Dr. Harrit and his fellow 9/11 activists as “crackpots,” while also comparing them to creationists and Holocaust deniers.

For Dr. Harrit, a scientist who taught chemistry for 40 years at the University of Copenhagan, this amounted to an allegation of scientific misconduct and a baseless attempt to damage his hard-earned reputation. So he decided to seek recourse under Denmark’s strong libel law — and give himself the opportunity to prove in a court of law the scientific legitimacy of his 9/11 research.

Now Dr. Harrit Needs Our Help

The lower City Court ruled against Dr. Harrit in 2013, basing its decision on politics rather than the law. Dr. Harrit, of course, appealed.

This time around, he’ll be allowed to submit more evidence, and he is now receiving assistance from attorney Mads Krøger Pramming, chairman of the Danish whistleblower organization Veron. Although Mr. Pramming is providing his services at a greatly reduced rate, he still needs to be compensated for his indispensible assistance to Dr. Harrit.

And so we are asking you to make a modest donation to Niels Harrit’s legal fund, and help raise us $15,000 by next week!

BREAKING NEWS!!! USA: rock solid rules to ensure the Internet stays open and free - February 27, 2015

(pressenza) Breaking news: in an historic victory of global importance, the US Federal Communications Commission just passed rock solid rules to ensure the Internet stays open and free for generations to come.
Big Cable TV and Internet companies have spent millions of dollars to push “Internet slow lanes” that would let them charge us more money to use the Internet, and control what we could access. But after millions of public comments, emails, phone calls, and demonstrations across the country — loads of it driven by SumOfUs members — the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has just said an emphatic “no” to a corporate-controlled Internet,and committed to protect Net Neutrality.
With so many websites based in the US, free and open Internet around the world was at stake. This victory will have a lasting impact towards protecting free speech and social movements across the globe. And that is worth celebrating.
Just six months ago, we were facing staggering odds. Big corporations like US cable TV giant Comcast had spent more than $750 million lobbying for a corporate-controlled Internet. Google, the biggest lobby in the industry, was refusing to speak up. The FCC chair Tom Wheeler, a former Big Cable lobbyist, was hostile to Net Neutrality.
But against all odds, we’ve pulled off one of the biggest victories in the history of the Internet, in what the New York Times called “the longest, most sustained campaign of Internet activism in history”, won by “an army of Internet activists.
Together, here’s a snapshot of some of the amazing things we’ve done:

Maureen Healy: Helping Highly Sensitive Kids Thrive - February 27, 2015 CET

What do I mean by sensitivity?

This is a great question. There is a science of sensitivity, which explans how highly sensitive children and adults have highly responsive nervous systems. They feel things more deeply and respond quickly. Sensitive people tend to be more emotional, and have heightened perception (atmosphere, sounds, smells and other sensory input). Less sensitive people (for lack of a better term) might not think fluroscent lighting is too bright but for a sensitive adult or child this can be extremely uncomfortable. Oftentimes, I describe highly sensitive adults and children as having a smaller window of comfort and by widening that window we can help them thrive in this not-so sensitive world.
But when I discuss sensitivity, I am not simply referring to the common description as being highly emotional, responsive to sensory input or even selective about clothing or food (i.e. picky eater). I am squarely referring to sensitivity as something beyond a deeply emotional state to actually connecting with Source Energy. I am referring to their:
  • Intuition
  • Psychic Abilities
  • Creativity
  • Genuis
Well, there are plenty of professionals working with children on how to manage their stress and anxiety (okay, I do that too) but my main focus is how to help our highly sensitive and intuitive children succeed in this world without sacrificing their connection to Source. My goal is help our new children, teens and young adults move through their lives learning how to stay connected —- read, hold onto their intuitive connection — and also bring their unique gifts to the world with success.

What is an indigo?

Feb 26, 2015

David Wilcock Update - February 26, 2015

Hvem er David Wilcock: David Wilcock er en professionel foredragsholder, filminstruktør og forsker af gamle civilisationer, bevidsthed videnskab, og nye paradigmer af stof og energi. Hans kommende Hollywood-film CONVERGENCE afslører bevis for, at alt liv på Jorden er forenet i et felt af bevidsthed, som påvirker vores sind på fascinerende måder. Divine Cosmos er den officielle Internet side, hvor derfindes tusindvis af gratis sider af videnskabelig og spirituel information om åndelig vækst, Ascension og udviklingen af bevidsthed. David kommentere altid på hvad Benjamin Fulford udgiver, fordi meget giver mening. 

Source: Ascensionwithheart:
I made an MP3 for you to download for your convenience......

MP3 Download Link Here

YouTube Link



by David Wilcock
February 25, 2015, 10:52 am

Is the world going crazy or is it all part of a perfect plan? When it's David talking with George Noory, you already know where it's going. We will discuss the five million-year secret history of our solar system, the space program, Ascension and David's epic new TV show, Disclosure, launching this week!

Tonight’s Sky:2015 March: Constellations, Deep-Sky Objects, Planets & Events

Er du vild med at kigge på stjerner, så tilmeld dig Youtube kanalen nemesis maturity,  tag din stjernekikkert og udforsk de mange millioner af stjerner i vores galaske. Benytter selv en Celestron 71008 25x70 Skymaster Porro Prism kikkert, som er god begynder. 

Læs også: 12bn suns, 13bn light years away: Ancient black hole blows scientists’ minds

Published on Feb 26, 2015

Tonight’s Sky: March 2015
Your guide to constellations, deep-sky objects, planets and
events, Tonight's Sky, Highlights of the March Sky

500 Year Old Map Was Discovered That Shatters The “Official” History Of The Planet

February 24, 2015 by Arjun Walia

Human history is quite an enigma. We know so little, and much of what we think we know seems to be highly questionable in the wake of new evidence, as well as pre-existing information that challenges our current understanding of the world.

Our world is no stranger to unexplained mystery, and there are numerous examples of verified phenomenon, ancient monuments, books, teachings, understandings and more that lack any explanation and counter what we’ve already been taught. We are like a race with amnesia, able to put together small bits and pieces of our history yet unable to provide any sort of verified explanation. There are still many missing pieces to the puzzle.

One great example is the Piri Reis map, a genuine document that was re-made (copied from older documents) at Constantinople in AD 1513, and discovered in 1929. It focuses on the western coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and the northern coast of Antarctica. It was drawn by the military intelligence of Admiral Piri Reis of the Ottoman era. He is a well-known historical figure whose identity is well established. The Admiral made a copy of it, and the original was drawn based on documents that date back to at least the fourth century BC, and on information obtained by multiple explorers.

Why The Map Is So Compelling

Wake up Call: St. Germain, Feb 26, 2015

Opstegne Mester Saint Germain, Le Comte de Saint Germain, den Europæiske vidundermand, og mange andre navne som tilhører den fascinerende mystiske mands kronik så som, "Manden der ved alt og aldrig dør". Han er kendt for sit engagement med at forme det 18. århundredes Europa. Han var et yndet gæst i Versailles, fortrolige med Kong Ludvig og Marie Antoinette, Napoleon, Katarina den Store af Rusland, og mange andre statsoverhoveder i dette tidsrum. Han var kendt for at have levet i 300 år aldrig aldrende, delvist på grund af den mystiske Elixir og andre alkymistiske stoffer, han skabte. 

Saint Germain har været fabrikanten af hele vores generation af kommende velgørenhedspakker, RV, GCR, PPP m.m. Hvis man forfølger de meddelelser fra vores opstegne mestre som sprøjter ud i øjeblikket, kan man sammenfatte sande beretninger og den fundamental forståelse for vores race. Kan naturligvis blot tale om min egen oplevelse og bevidsthedsniveau.

Kanaliseret af Nancy Tate 26-02-2015 CET
© 2015 

I am here today to tell you of a new change that is taking place as I speak. I am St Germain, and I bring you this news because it is part of what you have been dealing with in the money matters around your globe. This is a time for you all to demonstrate your patience and offer your good will to those who are in the vestiges of distributing the funds to all of those who have submitted their information.

It is a time in which the currencies are in the distribution process and that means that as this progresses there will be more events that will slow it down. Despite this it will not stop them. It will prove to be a better and clearer distribution that will freely come to the ones who are in place and ready to move forward with their projects. I bring this information to you in order to appease the issues that you have been facing. It is a common occurrence that has been plaguing this planet since its beginning of being populated, in whatever way the energy has built throughout the habitation evolvement.

Ben Swann - Truth in Media: Origin of ISIS

Published on Feb 25, 2015
In this episode of Truth in Media, Ben Swann explores the origin of ISIS that has already been long forgotten by American media. Swann takes on the central issue of whether or not ISIS was created by "inaction" by the United States government or by "direct" action.

Update from X22 Report: U.S. Is Now In The Final Stages Of Having Its Society Closed Down - Episode 601 - February 26, 2015 CET

Offentliggjort den 25/02/2015

Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com
More news visit http://thepeoplesnewz.com
Report date: 2.25.2015

Realkreditten skovler penge ind og holder lønfest - Dansk Erhverv undrer sig over store lønstigninger i realkreditten, der påstår, den er presset på indtjening. 26. Feb 2015

Gennemsnitsindkomsten for ansatte i realkreditsektoren er steget med 19 pct., mens den generelle stigning er på 12 pct. Foto: Colourbox
(Finans) Erhvervsorganisationen Dansk Erhverv undrer sig over, at der er lønfest i realkreditten samtidig med, at den hæver bidragssatserne på boliglån med den begrundelse, at den har pres på indtjeningen.

Det skriver Børsen.

Gennemsnitslønnen for ansatte i realkreditten er steget med 19 procent siden 2008, mens gennemsnitsindkomsten for ansatte på tværs af alle erhvervsbrancher er steget med 12 procent i samme tidsrum.

- Vi kan se, at lønstigningerne er betydeligt højere i realkreditsektoren end i resten af erhvervslivet.

- Vi synes det vækker til eftertanke, at man i en sektor, der betegner sig selv som presset, har råd til at give så store lønstigninger sammenlignet med resten af erhvervslivet, siger underdirektør i Dansk Erhverv Geert Laier Christensen til Børsen.

Tal fra Børsen Fakta viser, at realkreditinstitutternes låntagere i perioden fra 2008 til og med 2014 har betalt 93 milliarder kroner i bidragssatser til Nykredit, Realkredit Danmark, Nordea Kredit og BRF Kredit.

Alene i 2014 var indtægterne fra bidragssatserne 18,4 milliarder, og det er ifølge Børsen rekord.

Dansk Erhverv kræver et stop for stigningerne i bidragssatserne og et svar på, hvad de mange penge bruges til.

Feb 25, 2015

​Denmark's plan to give spooks greater-than-NSA spy powers sparks outcry - February 25, 2015

Copenhagen is considering empowering its intelligence services to conduct covert electronic surveillance on citizens abroad without the need for a court order. Outraged privacy advocates have pledged to fight the initiative.
Despite the global outpouring of criticism of the National Security Agency and its affiliated partners in the so-called Five Eyes spying ring, which was exposed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2013, it seems the Danish government is only too willing to take spying to an unprecedented new level.

 As part of a package of new anti-terror initiatives, Copenhagen is now prepared to empower the Danish Defense Intelligence Service (Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste, or FE) with greater snooping authority than the NSA.

The announcement came in the wake of February 14-15 shootings that put the Danish capital on high alert after two people were killed, and five police officers injured.

Last week, Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt presented a 12-point anti-terror plan that will cost taxpayers 970 million kroner ($148m) over the next four years.

"We want to strengthen our ability to gather and analyze [information] about terror planning abroad," Thorning-Schmidt told reporters. "We want to ensure that the intelligence service is able to monitor Danes who travel abroad to take part in extremist activities."

Defense Minister Nicolai Wammen believes it is necessary to track Danes who may travel abroad to participate in extremist activities, thus posing a national security risk when they return to Denmark.

"This initiative will enable us earlier in the process than today to go in and get information that can help to secure Denmark against potential terrorist attacks. It is a system that suits Denmark and the serious threats we face, and to ensure our country best,” Wammen wrote in a statement published in Berlingske News.

"Both the rules of the NSA and GCHQ governing their own nationals abroad is said to contain better safeguards than the FE proposal. This is especially true for the US system, where monitoring requires a prior court order of a court. The British system requires prior approval and fulfillment of certain objective criteria. The order must be issued by a minister,” according to the joint analysis, as reported in Politiken.

“Those conditions that normally need to be met in order to get a court order are not present [in the Danish proposal]. And when there are weaker grounds for suspicion without independent controls, there is a risk of abuse,” said the head of Justitia, Jacob Mchangama.

Danish parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee will debate the proposal in a closed-door session on Wednesday.
However, plans to give Danish intelligence what appears to be unlimited access to the electronic communications of Danish citizens abroad is being criticized by privacy watchdog groups, including the think-tank Justitia and Associate Professor Anders Henriksen, from the University of Copenhagen.

"Both the rules of the NSA and GCHQ governing their own nationals abroad is said to contain better safeguards than the FE proposal. This is especially true for the US system, where monitoring requires a prior court order of a court. The British system requires prior approval and fulfillment of certain objective criteria. The order must be issued by a minister,” according to the joint analysis, as reported in Politiken.

“Those conditions that normally need to be met in order to get a court order are not present [in the Danish proposal]. And when there are weaker grounds for suspicion without independent controls, there is a risk of abuse,” said the head of Justitia, Jacob Mchangama.

Danish parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee will debate the proposal in a closed-door session on Wednesday.


WHAT IS COURAGE? - February 25, 2015

(bradleyloves) When it comes to the spiritual side of life – and the difference between those who are already awake – those who are awakening – and those mostly still asleep, there is a great chasm between the various groups ideas of what courage really means.

For those who are totally asleep – courage means fighting and dying for ones country (if the politicians ask you to) – or kicking the a## of some guy picking on your girl friend.

For those who are just beginning to awaken, courage means to take up running, to eat a little better, to stop smoking cigarettes, and to do a few things that most people are too weak in their Will Power to do – to them this is great courage!

For those that are a little more awakened than the “beginners” – courage is learning how control ones anger – trying to become more peaceful under certain circumstances. Learning to “censor” ones judgment of things they may have “judged” in the past, like gays – or blacks – or whites – or skin-heads or “other things” that they had formerly judged!

This “middle ground” of awakening is what I would like to talk about! This is where the waters get really muddy and the DIS-INFORMATION squads (goon squads) are out in full force telling everyone their lies and using every trick in the book to sway their “budding perceptions” and to get them back to a MIND CONTROLLED STATE where they can still be told what to do and when to do it.

For example: The goon squads/dis-info people are out in full force telling us that SATAN WORSHIP, or LUCIFEREANISM – is simply another “religion” and that it is “judgemental” to hold a negative view of these people who are only looking for a “healthy” alternative to the more common religions.

They tell us that deviant sex with young children is simply “child love” and that it is “wrong” to be judgmental about that kind of thing!

They tell us that “GREED IS GOOD” and that it is perfectly okay for one person to earn a salary of 200 MILLION DOLLARS per year as the CEO of a Corporation, since after all, he is worthy of that if the Corporation is doing well.

27 Minutes of Truth You Won't See on Mainstream TV - February 25, 2015

Activist Post

On today's episode of Breaking The Set, Abby Martin discusses several vital topics that would be career-killers for so-called journalists on other news channels. This video is 27 minutes of truth you won't see anywhere on establishment media.

Abby crushes warmongering lies by McCain and Netanyahu, exposes how Hillary Clinton is owned by corporate tyrants, she interviews Mike Papantonio on Big Pharma misconduct and CIA torture whistleblower John Kiriakou. Great show!

(Repost & Reblog) Hollow Earth, The Biggest Cover Up - Full Documentary - February 25, 2015

Offentliggjort den 28/09/2014

Hollow Earth, The Biggest Cover Up - The Full Documentary. This is done at the request by some of my Subscribers / viewers, also posted as 4 seperate parts on my channel. In this series i will try to unravel all the mysteries concerning this amazing topic. I will cover several rumors that are linked to the Hollow Earth theory, like the Nazi and Reptillian connection. So, sit back and enjoy the full Documentary and remember, keep an open mind!! . Music and video is the Legal property of TheMusicmemorylane. Music created with Magix Music Maker 13, created with Copyright free VTS Files. Produced in The Netherlands.

This Is The Biggest Problem Facing The World Today: 9 Countries Have Debt-To-GDP Over 300%

(ZeroHedge) If anyone has stopped to ask just why global central banks are in such a rush to create inflation (but only controlled inflation, not runaway hyperinflation... of course when they fail with the "controlled" part the money paradrop is only a matter of time) over the past 5 years, and have printed over $12 trillion in credit-money since Lehman, the bulk of which has ended up in the stock market, and which for the first time ever are about to monetize all global sovereign debt issuance in 2015, the answer is simple, and can be seen on the chart below.

It also shows the biggest problem facing the world today, namely that at least 9 countries have debt/GDP above 300%, and that a whopping 39% countries have debt-to-GDP of over 100%!

We have written on this topic on countless occasions in the past, so we will be brief: either the Fed inflates this debt away, or one can kiss any hope of economic growth goodbye, even if that means even more central bank rate cuts, more QEs everywhere, and stock markets trading at +? while the middle class around the globe disappears and only the 0.001% is left standing.

Finally, those curious just how the world got to this unprecedented and sorry state, this full breakdown courtesy of McKinsey should answer all questions.

Tom Heneghan Update - February 24 and 25, 2015 CET



Tuesday   February 24, 2015
Last Night's Intelligence Briefing is Now Confirmed
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

source   source


Totally corrupt CNN actually confirmed this tonight when they fingered the nation of Qatar.


The British Bank of the Middle East is also tied to Barclays Bank of England, which has been using the nation of Qatar to finance the terrorist cartoon network aka ISIS and also simultaneously operating a foreign currency ponzi scheme tied to the Bank of England, HSBC of Hong Kong and the Central Bank of Japan.

In closing, folks, as we reported in our intelligence briefing last night, the SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION must commence now!

Sheldan Nidle opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki - 25 Feb 2015 CET

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys. Har tilladt mig, at indsætte links, så man beder forstår de begreber som er beskrevet.

A series of preliminary deliveries were completed. However, it was incumbent on our helpers to stop and shortly this complicated process can start again. The completion of this process is designed to replace the current governance and permit you to put an end to a long history of worldwide debt slavery...

3 Men, 13 Zac, 11 Ik

Selamat Balik! We come carrying good news! The process of unwinding the gross influence of the dark continues. The Light through proper prayer and divine actions is very close to unwrapping the final obstacle put forth by the Anunnaki many millennia ago. This set of divine actions is to free the numerous funds and permit them to be graciously delivered. The Agarthans have in their possession keys to special chants and decrees made for this exact purpose. These acts can only be performed when the right divine time is before us. This special moment is now. Hence, Heaven instructs when and how to execute these final hymns. Gaia reaches the point in her travels when such hermetic devices can be successfully applied. Our liaisons are thus working with those of the Light who were selected long ago to perform this most sacred task. This time is indeed special and all the required chants are being executed. Heaven’s chosen emissaries are providing these divine wordings. Their actions are to reset this reality’s matrices and to permit the many events needed to turn this reality toward manifesting the start of your freedoms and grand prosperity.