Nov 7, 2014

Kort situationsopdatering på kloden - Cobra - 6. November 2014

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen : ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen. Jeg har tilladt mig, at smide nogen hyperlinks ved nogen af Cobra's begreber. Link til de tidligere artikler:  

09 Okt 2014
 22. Sept 2014
9 Sept 2014
6. Aug 2014

Der findes en liste over de 10 bedste bevarede hemmelige grupper, der arbejder under kontrol af Chimera-gruppen.
1. Frimurerne
2. Illuminati
3. Skull and Bones
4. Sons of Liberty
5. Thule Society
6. Ridderne af den gyldne cirkel
7. The Black Hand
8. Hashshashin- Ordenen Assassins
9. Bilderberg-gruppen
10. Ordo Templi Orientis

 IS:IS Portal Aktivering Part 1: (Feb 2014)
Et nyt vindue med mulighed for stor betydning, er ved at åbne sig på overfladen af ​​denne planet snart. Galaktiske kræfter af Lyskræfter søger mod denne mulighedsvindue med stor spænding. Skibe i den Det Galaktiske Føderation er allerede begyndt at positionere sig tættere på overfladen af planeten Jorden for at være i stand til at sende og tilpasse intense energier, som vil blive frigivet inden for denne mulighedsvindue mod den planetariske overflade. Som en konsekvens af min rum flyvning ud over sløret et par uger siden og af andre operationer fra de lette styrker, har store dele af det æteriske Archon nettet allerede fjernet til det punkt, at nogle mennesker er begyndt at genindføre ægte telepatisk kontakt med føderationen og mange er begyndt at få dybtgående positive åndelige oplevelser med dem.(derfor har 2014 været præget af intensive kanaliseringer)

MAKE THIS VIRAL! Window Of Opportunity 2014-2015

 2012 Portal, Nov 5, 2014
A new Window of Opportunity is about to open on the surface of this planet soon.

This Window of Opportunity is our greatest chance until now to make the final breakthrough into liberation. Although the battle is still far from over, the Chimera group is losing its power with the fastest rate in recorded history and the Light at the end of the tunnel can clearly be seen.

This Window of Opportunity will open on December 15th, 2014, will have its turning point on January 21st, 2015 and will close on March 17th, 2015:

The opening and closing points of this Window of Opportunity are moments of exact Uranus-Pluto square, the sixth and the seventh (which is also the last) exact Uranus-Pluto square positions within the Uranus-Pluto square planetary configuration that is occurring within 2012-2015 time frame. Uranus-Pluto square signifies the revolution of consciousness which will dissolve the controlling structures of the Cabal:

The Window of Opportunity will open with the IS:IS Portal activation part II, which will occur on December 15th this year. On that day, we will continue the work that was started with the first part of the IS:IS Portal activation about 6 months ago. We will be anchoring Goddess energies (energies of pure feminine principle) into the planetary energy grid with the purpose of balancing and harmonizing the planetary situation and easing our transition into the Event. We will be having our main activation on the Giza plateau in Egypt. You are more than welcome to join us:

The turning point of this Window of opportunity will be on January 21st next year with a special activation codenamed RR6, which is important for the Resistance Movement and not so much for the surface population.

The closing point of the Window of Opportunity will be with the last exact Uranus-Pluto square on March 17th. After this completion of the Uranus-Pluto square configuration, which was ongoing for almost 3 years, things on this planet are expected to be much less volatile.
More intel about each of the points within the Window of Opportunity will be released when the time is right.