Jan 5, 2025

💗 ~ ✨('The new plasmatic SOL-AR [Sol and Auroras] waves.') Natalia Alba: Density Emancipation Physical Effects ~ Jan 5, 2025 ~ |

Density Emancipation Physical Effects

by Unknown Jan 4, 2025

Beloved Ones,

Many of you are now stepping into new phases of density emancipation, releasing more old egoic layers as your chakras continue transfiguring and your DNA rehabilitates. Light body reconfiguration is an arduous process, in which many of you experience a profound emotional release, while others even experience depression. In the process of transfiguration, emphasized by our Sol-Ar transmissions at this time, the old self has lost what was familiar, feeling isolated and reticent to embody a new frequency.

In these cases, soul retrieval, violet flame immersion techniques, and fortifying the silver cord strengthen our commitment to serving as a divine vehicle, so we receive more soul transmissions, support, and insights from our new embodiment while we continue balancing the ego. However, it is not the only technique that we need when we are passing through profound emotional breakthroughs.

There are other important causes of emotional pain, that can be misled with soul disconnection. Many of these sensations and disconnections you may experience, as I see often in sessions, even though you are soul-connected, are related to vagus nerve anomalies and the endocrine system, in charge of producing hormones, which are key in the neurological functions, that allow us to receive guidance from the God Worlds.

Their functioning is key to helping us retrieve our monadic connection, opening our Consciousness to new interdimensional experiences and contact, for our bodies are Divine Design, and each part is made also to have a divine function, not just a physical one.

Above all vagus nerve anomalies are also of utmost importance at this time, and very common in feeling disconnected. This can be emphasized for those of you with anomalies, as we are again embodying the new plasmatic SOL-AR (Sol and Auroras) waves that are now descending upon our planet, and our nervous system is being deeply impacted.

Our vagus nerve as you know is the one that is in charge of controlling digestion, our immune system, and heart rate, which are involuntary functions. At a spiritual level, it is the one that amplifies the light transmissions received into our brain complex, transmitting them into our heart, balancing brain and heart, and helping us achieve a sense of Oneness, unity, and peace.

When there are anomalies in the vagus nerve, there is disconnection, sadness, and trouble integrating the transmissions received. There are also headaches, stomach issues, changes in our heart rate, arrhythmia, dizziness, and other similar symptoms that are not due to any medical reason, or to ascension symptoms, but to the anomalies we need to clear to help the light be properly transmitted.

Unfortunately, many artificial signals and non-benevolent technology are created to destabilize our nervous system, impeding Higher communication. However, our Consciousness has the power to overcome the misalignments they create in our bodies if we use the right physical tools, protections, and energetic healing methods.

As we scan and observe ourselves, our unique physical ascension process, and our feelings as the highest forms of guidance, we become more aware of what we are experiencing and how to treat ourselves correctly, as comparisons only lead us to confusion and often wrong treatments.

Only you have the key to understanding your body and healing yourself. We all came here with the same wisdom and divine capacity to heal ourselves and embody our unique mission.

Many of you have started the year being challenged beyond your human understanding. Trust, surrender, and work on acceptance, for Divine Will, works in a perfect way for All, in Its Time, nor in our time.

It is not about the start, but about the trajectory in between, the devotion, the love we put into our process and all we do, and the companionship and support we all carry, as we continue transcending an old world and stepping into a harmonic dimension.

May you embrace your divine strength, wisdom, and power to continue BEcoming free, and sovereign of your own body and life experience.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

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