Mar 10, 2024

🎴🔮😊 (SoTW; Nice - I'll believe it when I see it) A reading about Walter Epie's prophecy for Scandinavia /Sweden - Tarot and Oracle Card ~ Mar 10, 2024 ~|

Editors' Note: With Novo Nordisk 4,000 billion Danish kroner worth Big Pharma company and Johnson & Johnson's subsidiary Janssen-Cilag, generating 3.35 billion Swedish kroner, I'll believe it when i see it. Since, it cost money to join Tarot By Janine, I highly recommend, Izabela. Free from any advertising, never gets upset or personal offended or megalomaniac melodrama, like Janine, sometimes does. Izabela is a straight shooter and keps to the cards and the matter in hand. It's all up to you and what resonates with your inner belief-system... |

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