Editor's Note: I do not have a New Years speech like German "Scholzomat" who promises to support Ukraine "like no other in Europe" and fiercely attacks Putin and Elon Musk. I do not have any groupies, followers or trolls, who makes demands, to SoTW. This is a free blogging platform and nobody gives me any money or donations, at all. I'm a free spirit influencer with no fear or ego, who goes where pretty much everyone thinks, but nobody dares to talk about. I do not expect anything or have any spirit attachments and therefore, do not get disappointed. My NY wishes is world peace, spiritual abundance, prosperity and unconditional love for me and everyone who wish to receive it. P.S.: I will change/transfer domain .dk to .com soon due to new draconian laws (EU Directive NIS2, Article 28, will be implemented into Danish legislation). In which, it makes it almost impossible, to be anonymous truther with govt bullying and harassment (unlimted power)... |
SoTW - Looking forward - Carter State Funeral - will there be a 2nd note from CIC Trump?
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