Mar 30, 2024

🚢💣🌉 (OPS BRIDGE TAKEDOWN) Watch the Birds!... Losing power doesn't mean loss of control!... Did the Simpsons predict Baltimore bridge collapse?... And much, much more... ~ Mar 30, 2024 ~ |


OPERATION BRIDGE TAKEDOWN: The Carefully Controlled Demolition Of The Very Important Baltimore Bridge—WHO & WHY? (Updated)

State of the Nation
First take a close look at this video:

The hard evidence is now pouring in (such as the preceding video) which conclusively proves that the staged Baltimore Bridge collapse after the cargo ship hit was a deliberate sabotage carried out by all the usual suspects.

At least six workers are now missing and presumed dead so this was not only a terrorist attack directed at vital US infrastructure, but also designed to mass murder the American people.

Now listen to this video report covering the various angles on this NWO terror operation carried out to further “disrupt supply chains and cause port congestion and chaos in America!

Great Reset

Clearly, the New World Order globalist cabal is extremely desperate to sow the seeds of chaos, confusion and conflict throughout every sphere of American society. For only with a sufficient level of Ordo ab Chao will the cabal be able to fully implement their long-planned Great Reset.

Toward that end, not only do they intend to considerably shrink the nation’s food supply, but also to throw a wrench into every mode of transport which impacts trade and travel. This major port in Baltimore is just the type of rich target they would attack, despite it being such an obvious terror operation. The NWO perps simply don’t care anymore if we witness their odious crimes in real time. As follows:

There is also this rather ridiculous clue that the cargo shop crew was up to no good from the beginning of their crash into the bridge.

You have to believe that The Powers That Be have never been so brazen, reckless and desperate to bring about the collapse of the USA when they perpetrate one black swan event after another like this one.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. VP announcement

What’s particularly interesting about this transparent terrorist attack is that it was executed on the very same day that RFK, Jr. announced his VP running mate.

Surely the Democrat election thieves are fully aware that such a VPOTUS pick as Nicole Shanahan will do major damage to Team Biden’s election thievery schemes. Which means that the Deep State electoral fraudsters will have to steal that many more votes from Trump, if that’s even possible at this point.

Francis Scott Key Bridge

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