Jan 10, 2024

🙏 ~ 🛸 (MIC-SSP operated near-Earth orbit. Run by i.a. USAF, DIA, NRO, NSA & 'Masons') Today's (Special) Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Jan 10, 2024 ~ |

Editor's' Note: This is not a deathbed confession, but I think on SoTW, what, William Mills Tompkins (US NAVY Secret Space Program) are saying, in this video, is 100% true. I've meet Dr Michael Salla (Twice - goofy guy), David Adair (amazing). And talked to T.L. Keller (among others). Verdensalt (SoTW) has been so incredibly lucky to have meet Mr. William, at 2017 MUFON Symposium, 1 month later, he died. Corey Goode claimed that he was killed (I think he just died of old age). Btw, according to Corey Goode my simplification of The military-industrial complex secret space program (MIC-SSP) operated in near-Earth orbit is not a good explanation. It is much, much larger and complicated and have at least 5 major factions (Corey Goode has change the point of view several times over)... | 

The MOON LANDING Story They Don't Want You To Know About! - The Real Reason We Saw Fake Footage



 (SoTW) Artist concept or REAL Solar Warden Spaceship - nobody knows - picture was later deleted... 

SoTW - REAL PIC???  - Secret Space Program - SSP - Solar Warden - Massive Air Ships For Evacuation Or Survival Purposes
 | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban

(SoTW) - compilation - Aerospace and defense companies - Fox Mulder: "I Want to Believe"

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