Aug 13, 2023

πŸ‘€❤️‍πŸ©ΉπŸ‘Ό✨ ('There was NO PAIN.') COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Texas Student Dies in Car Accident — Discovers Life after Death” ~ Aug 13, 2023 ~ |


COMING HOME: Near-Death Experience ~ “Texas Student Dies in Car Accident — Discovers Life after Death” | Ascension Avatar (

Tricia Barker shares her Near-Death Experience, occurring during the surgery to save her life after a horrific car accident her senior year of college. She recounts her shock at remaining lucid and conscious after leaving her body and is shown many things during her Near-Death Experience. In addition to a life review, she has a reunion with her grandfather and shares the insights she has carried with her since this fateful day that changed her life.

Ascension Avatar note: I saved posting this as the final ‘Coming Home’ NDE documentary from the series. I have had three Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) in this lifetime, which mind-boggles me to this day — drowning at age 4, a bike accident at 30 and pneumonia at 35. The bike accident (a hit-and-run by a car) involved being teleported by an angel to the front doorstep of somebody’s home (with multiple broken bones and blood coming out of both ears), to receive the medical attention my guides knew I desperately needed. I retained my original soul (unlike some that agree on ‘walk-in’ soul experiences), but each time came back more psychically aware with new abilities: art… hearing ‘Music of the Spheres’… reading minds… seeing through untruths and deceptions… having ‘X-ray vision’ into the souls and intentions of humans (if they are human at all, or AI cloned versions)… knowing the outcomes of earthly events before they occur… and one more ability too overall intense for my personal comfort: being ultra, ultra empathic. I can relate to Tricia Barker’s insights, experiences and especially her humor in this video! It’s why I saved it for last. Enjoy.

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