Aug 23, 2023

🌞⚡📸 ('Super Nova - Solar Flash - physical polar shift - tsunami - evacuation.'??) Sun and Homicide? WHAAAT!?! 'Normies' to evac to another duplicated Earth still living in 3D in the Universe and the rest us stays in 5D or the other way around or what? Wishful thinking or doomsday idiocracy? As of today, how many percentage can we trust C.O.B.R.A. R.M. (pleiadian Cobra, the person behind Age of Aquarius, Prepare For Change, The Event, Portal 2012, Disclosure News Italy, spokesperson of the Resistance Movement, and author of Aurora 2012. etc.) and the many tens- or hundreds of 1000s of hardcore followers and their interpretations and 100s of websites? Will the 'Solar Flash Event' happen into the physical realm? Or is the Solar Flash just an Awakening or Extension of our Higher Self towards our Ascension? Is the physical polar shift not equal to the mysterious Planet Nibiru/Planet X coming closer to Earth? I'll ask my H-S today through my DK holistic ND ~ Aug 23, 2023 ~ |

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