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MAUI MASSACRE: HARD PROOF OF GLADIO-STYLE, FALSE FLAG PYROTERRORISM – The Burning Platform Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 15, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official ************************************ 🤫 N o b o d y is talking about biggest and worst mass shooting in American history anymore. Why did the mainstream media just tried to rush right past it like it never happened or at least didn't investigated this tragic event in 'real time'? No courageous undercover journalists dare to report or ask questions against the MSM media narrative. Why? Three reasons... Free Guy on SoTW still have lots of questions.... |Free Guy in Danish: Officielt siges det, at skyderiet fandt sted på 32. etage i Mandalay Bay Hotellet (hvor jeg har været et par gange som turist) - men flere og flere amerikanere står frem og siger, at skyderierne foregik på 3-4 etage og også på gadeplan og eller via helikoptere. Tonsvis af videoer modsiger de officielle forklaringer. Nu har flere amerikanske efterforskere fundet mystiske spor efter en mobiloplader, som ikke matchede, Stephen Paddocks mobiltelefon. En anden efterforskning indikere, at en af Paddocks nøglekort blev brugt til at få adgang til sit værelse, mens hans bil var uden for hotellets parkeringshus. Ifølge en casinoejer, var Stephen Paddock ikke en problem-gambler, men blot en rig millinær som vandt 31 millioner i 2015 via casinospil. Fotografierne som viser Paddock's lig med en våben over hans fod, uden blodspor samt et mystisk stykke papir (formodet selvmordsbrev) er blevet spottet ud for den døde krop (præcist som et movieset, hvor alting er nøje planlagt?). Nogle har indikeret, at Las Vegas SWAT team, ventede i evigheder, før de tog aktion på Hotellet.. Denne sag om Vegas skyderiet, er meget sparet og viser, at vi ikke kan stole på myndighedernes udlægning. Bare vent, flere og flere beviser kommer frem og vil blive nøje gennemgået, her på bloggen.. | (SOTN) 📑"The HARVEST massacre on October 1st 2017 in Las Vegas has been the most complex and inscrutable ‘false flag’ operation in U.S. history... This CIA-directed psyop, was also executed by rogue elements within the U.S. Intelligence Community who are relentless in their efforts to overthrow the Trump Administration. As always, this extremely purposeful psyop was specifically designed to distract the American people from the Democrat’s exploding “Uranium One” scandal. The fake Russia-Trump collusion story was, in fact, concocted because the Democrats knew they had to muddy the waters. The DNC did not expect Trump to win last November; Deep State also knew that President Trump was privy to the entirety of Uraniumgate. Hence, the Deep State Democrats resolved themselves to associate Team Trump with Russia collusion when it was the Clinton Crime Family, the DNC and the Soros Money Machine who were really the guilty parties..(..) "📑 Las Vegas massacre survivor dies abruptly after posting her detailed eyewitness account of multiple shooters on FacebookThree Reasons of whys: No#1: 'Sensationalism is what sells' (‘Loch Ness monster captured!’) - screamed the headline, with a photo showing a diver clutching the neck of something looking like a plesiosaur. This particular mass-circulation US tabloid often has similar ‘sensational’ reports which occasionally seem pro-creationist... No#2: Dr. Evil's company owners (iconic evil megacorporations) like CEO of MGM, Georg Soros and others, sold off most of MGM company shares (Over $300 million in MGM shares) in the weeks leading up to the Las Vegas shooting (Wall Street financial advisor Kip Herriage has discovered evidence of insider trading with key players directly involved in the Las Vegas attack... NO#3: CIA mockingbird (6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America) has since 1950s attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes... Free Guy: 👉👉👉
The Unlikely Alliance Between President Donald Trump & Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. President Donald Trump shakes hands with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman | The Free Thought Project: Vegas Police Captain Behind Gunfire Location System Reported Missing, ‘Endangered’ | .. During the middle of one of the most secretive investigations in history, a Las Vegas police captain has disappeared and is considered "endangered.".. The Shotspotter program is part of a one-year pilot that uses sensors to triangulate the source of gunfire. It was brought about in response to the horrific shooting which took place in October | | OOM2 \\ YourNewsWire Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Ran CIA Child Trafficking Ring | .. Alleged Las Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock, ran a drug running and child trafficking company – making millions of dollars in the process – according to explosive new evidence that threatens to disrupt the official narrative and prove law enforcement and mainstream media are colluding to misinform the public about the Las Vegas attack | | intellihub.com: Fmr. military intel analyst: ‘Saudi Arabian-based risk management company was on the ground during the Las Vegas shooting’| | Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert: Tom Heneghan just reported one of his sources said Stephen Paddock never fired a shot and was a Patsy! That was my guess when I saw the muzzle blasts of what appears to be at least 2 shooters at the lower levels (probably floor 8-10) near the center of Mandalay Bay! Get this out everywhere | | Simon Parkes: Simon Parkes, life long experiencer of aliens, ufo's (family worked at MI5, NSA): After the dreadful attack in Las Vegas, shares in gun stocks have risen 3% as people believe it was staged to stop the lawful selling of guns and as a result have flocked to gun shops to buy them and ammunition making stock and bonds rebound at the exchange | | Mike Adams the Health Ranger: First, ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack which has now killed 59 and injured 500+. Secondly, there are five things that just don't add up about the official reports on this event. Why did one "lone wolf gunman" have ten rifles? How did he get ahold of a full-auto machine gun? Dozens of concert-goers reported the presence of multiple shooters? Who warned concert-goers they were “all going to die” a full 45 minutes before the shooting started? The weapon you hear on videos was FULL AUTO, which is almost impossible to acquire through legal means? Why were the exits blocked, trapping victims like rats in a maze? Why did the shooter have as many as 10 firearms in his room? | | The Guardian: Facebook and Google promote politicized fake news about Las Vegas shooter. The spread of rightwing blogs, claiming the shooter was an anti-Trump liberal, on to mainstream platforms is the latest example of hyper-partisan trolling after a tragedy | Fast Company: YouTube’s Top Search Results For Las Vegas Are Already Littered With Conspiracy Theories YouTube’s search results proclaim this week’s shooting was a “false flag.” | | Fox News: Las Vegas shooter described as 'unstable' sent tens of thousands of dollars overseas. Why? | | Document.no and TheGoldFish Report: Blood on victim which is rather unusual, as a standing position when shoot, blood should have been running vertical (downwards) NOT horizontal on her legs. Jim (veteran, former marine corps officer, supervision of 300 marine recruits, marksmanship training at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton) is not convinced that the shooter fired live rounds. Also very suspicious that the victims(s) on this pictures has been declared dead, that's a violation of medical protocol, they should have been rushed to a hospital, where doctors can make that determination (they did the same thing at Sandy Hook and Boston bombings). This Country & Western concert has a probability of 90% trump supporters, shooter had a Asian or foreign girlfriend, which must likely did NOT support Trump, all considered. Early rumors tells Jim, that the shooter was a far left Hillary Clinton supporter, so this could be a complete setup, if real, a huge embarrassment to the left-wing politics | | Beforeitsnews: I’m not positive if this is real or bogus yet. But to all those in search of blood, guts and gore as evidence…..gunshot wounds are not like what you see in movies. It is very feasible to be shot and not spray tons of blood. In truth, some bullet wounds don’t bleed on the outside much at all... etc. etc. | | x22Report: Certain facts in the Vegas event do not add up, there have been reports of shooting on the 4th floor, many witness say there were multiple shooters and how did the people here the gun shots over the concert noise. The corporate media is really pushing the gun control angle on the whole thing. Before the shooter identity came out, the authority came out and told all that he had 23 guns in his Hotel (including rifles, which has no long range effect to the concerts crowd). He legally purpose these many weapons. He has no criminal background, no mental illnesses, pensioned former accountant, they can't figure out a motive as of yet (besides he has converted into Islam, 1 month before). HighImpactFlix youtube channel listen in to the police scanner, there seem to be MULTIPLE gunman around (fairground and in the floors in the Hotel). Many local Vegans confirms this theory with multiple shooters, including an Australian citizen living next door to the shooter, Paddock (just like with JFK assassinations) | | DAHBOO777 Youtuber: has discovered that there were a 'MANDATORY ACTIVE SHOOTER TRAINING' at Sep 30th, 2017 in Las Vegas.| Blogger: We've seen it before a FF Ops, drills takes place same day or days before (Precisely same template used under 2015 Copenhagen shootings Krudttønden attack). This is all orchestrated to push gun control and take your rights away in US. Many, many countries has already gun control, but NOT helping, since people who wants to buy guns, get it on the black market | SGTreport: PROOF: MEDIA & LAW ENFORCEMENT ARE LYING ABOUT THE VEGAS SHOOTING (476,358 views) | | The Richie Allen Show: Meria: "It's Too Early To Say, But Las Vegas Shooter Has Classic Signs Of Manchurian Candidate." | | ABCNews: Hillary Clinton slams NRA, gun silencer bill in wake of Las Vegas shooting | | David Wilcock: LET'S NOT FORGET- Vegas was a horribly botched "false flag" incident intended to disarm the American public and make body scanners as commonplace as doorways... | verdensalt.dk links to the story : 👉
DuckDuckGo the rest, please... or use search bar at verdensalt.dk Las Vegas Shooter Sought "Infamy" By Inflicting "Maximum Damage" According To FBIAs the Baltimore Post Examiner noted last year:
And just like that, the largest mass shooting in US history remains unsolved. READ MORE>> Las Vegas-morders motiv forbliver et mysterium ********************************************************************************* OpenMind - Laura Loomer Las Vegas BombshellTOM HENEGHAN EXPLOSIVE INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGS ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions Monday October 2, 2017 Multiple Shooters in Las Vegas! Paddock a Patsy! UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that, as of October 2, 2017, the 2nd United States Civil War has begun as the Bush-Clinton-Obama Satanic Crime Cabal faces final decapitation and eternal damnation. Multiple Shooters In Las Vegas! Paddock a Patsy! by Glenn Canady https://youtu.be/Gu9Z_KzcS3s UPDATE: Tom Heneghan just reported one of his sources said Stephen Paddock never fired a shot and was a Patsy! That was my guess when I saw the muzzle blasts of what appears to be at least 2 shooters at the lower levels (probably floor 8-10) near the center of Mandalay Bay! Get this out everywhere. We are at civil war here and as Al Gore said – a lot of people are going to die in the next 90 days. CONFIRMED! Best Video shows shooter on about the 10th floor! Paddock was a patsy! No shooting on 32nd floor! Official story is a LIE! Tweet to Trump! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gywc58Bxxc8 |
Aug 16, 2023
🏴☠️⭕🔥😈 ('Grim reality in Maui 1000s died gruesome deaths BY DESIGN. Pyroterrorist operation Holocaust by Khazarian Cabal.') Mass Shooting at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, Las Vegas. Stranger than Fiction, Maui Police Chief John Pelletier Led Response to 2017 Vegas Massacre. Pelletier Orders Arrest of People in Maui and Instructs Press to Dox Arrested Witness. The Maui Massacre hard proof of Gladio-Style, False Flag Pyroterrorism ~ Aug 16, 2023 ~ |
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