Aug 8, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Alex: 'You're going to evolve or start all over somewhere else. We're coming back to rewrite the terribly wrong.') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Aug 8, 2023 ~ |

Alex's first topic is abt very, very disturbing truth on SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) and what these 'creatures' are doing to our children, he's never shared before. The greys has stopped the SRA. Now, it's HUmans doing it to others HUmans. They HAVE to be removed from the equation - they walk and talk - but are no longer HU(mans). Alex also talk abt us, you and me, as HUmans who's genetic royalist with limitless potentials - spiritually, physically, genetically - because we're so different as other species. Somehow, he says, Earthlings ended up as last caboose, last car, last planet. Other star-nations has already been freed from the same Matrix. (there's so much more)... |

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