May 23, 2023

👾🤔😇 (Most shocking and demonic interview or amazing and enlightened ever?) SIMON PARKES ~ “E.T. Alien Masters – A.I. Matrix Prison & Universal Consciousness” [Lucas Alexander: Age Of Truth TV] ~ May 23, 2023 ~ |
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Editor's Note: Siden Simon er gået i flyverskjul og fået at vide, han ikke skal være med i Dr. Charlie Ward-shows mere eller måske, ikke kommer ud det offentlige rum, et stykke tid. Dette, 2019-interview, kan være en mindblowing oplevelse. Jeg har fulgt Simon siden 2015 og senere medlemskab i DK-CC, samt lyttet til hvert eneste videocast, udgivet af Simon og på hans blog. Men er ikke guru-følger, tager blot hvad der resonere med mit hjertechakra og min indre sandhedsstemme. Pardon Me, dette interview kan også være en MEGA skræmmende oplevelse, for 'normies.' Jeg vidste faktisk ikke, at hans bedstefar både arbejdede for CIA og var en 33. grader frimurer, med de fineste engelske titler, men nægtede titlen "Lord." Hvis man skipper det med, at han har haft sexuelle tilgange til udenjordiske væsener og Simon var tæt på at blive hjernevasket via Fjæsen. Men, og undskyld at sige dette folkens! Har mistet tiltroen til Lucas, efter hans fortid som hardcore rocker, barnestjerne i illuminati-Hollyweird og tilknytning til Partiet Frihedslisten (Kontrolleret Opposition?). Lucas er en talentfuld sanger, skuespiller, performer, sangskriver. Og er blevet landskendt også i udlandet, for hans esoteriske og måske, spirituelle interviews med truthers. Jeg har været på deomer med ham i 2020 og en gang i Folketinget mht. foredrag om 5G. Hans broget fortid, dæmoniske rockband navne, tilknytning til CopenHell, okkulte håndtegn m.m. Hvem ellers var notorisk kendt for at gå på CopenHell? Peter 'Raket' Madsen. You gotta believe it! Kender dog ikke Lucas personligt, har dog 2 bekendtskaber, der driver hans tv-produktion som følger ham tæt og i alt, hvad han laver. Mærkeligt mht. Lauge Felix 'Black' Pedersen og de 2 okay håndtegn han signalere, under hvert eneste intro på alle videocast, de udsender samt deres pyramide logo. Se billeder. Lucas spørgsmål omkredser meget om dæmoniske og sataniske ting, men Simon, svarer pænt. Med det sagt. Lyt og lær. Bedste interview, Simon har givet, nogensinde...| 

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams...

Lucas Alexander: Singer, songwriter and performer with a wide vocal range. At age 4 he made his stage debut as a child actor, and was primarily acting until he began his singing career in 1999. From 2006 Lucas Alexander worked as a solo-artist with his symphonic rock band and recorded the album "A Myth From Beyond" in 2009... : There is a vibrational change happening in the world! A new positive frequency change is taking place on Planet Earth, and we are celebrating that with enlightening and extraordinary information. A TV network and online community that was born in Denmark. In-depth hard-talk interviews with fascinating and remarkable speakers, authors, researchers, journalists, scientists and truth speakers from all over the world. The guests on our shows share information and often disclose eye-opening details and knowledge about hidden agendas, personal experiences and otherworldly phenomena.There are many life-stories and experiences shared. A million pieces in a very large puzzle put together.  An homage to those who work for a better world, for personal freedom and liberation of human enslavement, also mentally and spiritually.


Selected TOPICS:

– ALIEN RACES: Reptilians, Mantis/Mantid/ Greys, Nordics, Pleiadians,
Lyrans, Felines etc….
– A lifelong history as an Alien contactee and experiencer.
– Family history: Mother an MI5/NSA secret agent and Grandfather an
MI6/CIA agent and a 33rd degree Freemason.
– A.I. Artificial Intelligence and the real reason for 5G.
– The most spiritual countries in the world!
– The Elites NWO plan for the Earth.
– Flat Earth or Hollow Earth?
– The arrest of WikiLeaks frontman Julian Assange. Why and what is
– The Saturn Matrix and the Reincarnation Death Trap. Are we
imprisoned in a grid around Earth? How to escape?
– Satanic blood and energy rituals! Why?
– Connecting Consciousness around the world. YOU can join!

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