May 11, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Breaking 2 days conf. ticket packages from $499/Pers. to $5000/Pers.) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ May 11, 2023 (SoTW; Great stuff if SSP whistleblowers will blow our minds - show me and I'll believe it. But please don't make me skip 6 months of rent on my apartment to be able to get a VIP Package plus exclusive fundraiser dinner with Dr. Greer) ~ |

Editor's Note: Dr. Steven Greer is one of the world's foremost authorities on the subject of UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence and technologies, and initiating peaceful contact with interstellar civilizations (so they say). Opinions on Dr. Steven Greer - is he a fraud? Did he initially do good work and is now chasing cash for new conferences, projects and movies with 'special fundraising' $5000 people? Expeditions with Dr. Greer CE5 Contact is extremely expensive - everyone knows that. I've been following Dr. Greer for maaany years. His work seems a bit to AMAZING to me. I'm not saying he is a fraud no no no. All I'm saying is, watch him like a hawk. Dr. Greer, in the mid 1990s introduced Edgar Mitchell to the UFO subject. Gave Podesta (via an intermediary) a complete briefing on the UFO / New Energy subject for President Obama. Aaand to put the cherry on top of the cake, was best buddies with one the worst crime families in the world, the Clinton family and Rockefellers. Even Lynn Forester de Rothschild CEO has publicly supported Hillary Clinton. James Gilliland once told me; the UFO Community is a billion dollar industry controlled by CIA. James; "The UFO community has always been infiltrated by all the above, not just seen but also unseen negative influences. Regenerate species like Reptilians, Greys, hybrids and AI have always interfered in disclosure. Very few are aware of it and even fewer know how to clear it. Just an observation."... | 

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