Mar 9, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (New Interview Tachyons Chamber, 2nd part with Cobra RM) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Mar 9, 2023 ~ |

Editor's Note: Btw, THC in Denmark - only chamber in Scandinavia - has been open for 1 year now, to heal HUmans (not a Cure or Med Bed). THC DK has been involved in a experiment to connect other countries THC's, trying to dime or break the Corona spell, since early 2020 and was closed from entering in person, for 2 years. I know the ppl behind the THC which can be found down a small city South Zealand (use link) and highly recommended. THC is very expensive to establish and maintenance, if moved to another location and therefore, owners, charge a high fee. The best things is, that in Denmark, it's not about "bling bling" - it doesn't come with a heavy price-tag. It's all about (zero-to-what-you-can-give-money) donations and sending looove and give out free hugs👍🥰...| 

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