Jan 6, 2023

πŸŒ•πŸ€―πŸ–– (#WolfMoon: 'Every full moon effects us spiritually one way or the another.') Rose Rambles: Full Moon January 6 ~ Jan 6, 2023 (SOTW; Why is the moon associated with madness? “That’s no moon. It’s a space station.” said Obi Wan Kenobi about the Death Star... I can garantere you the lunar light energy from the Full Moon will effect SoTW, every single time. Look what happen to me yesterday and it is not, over yet. I woke up out from a fantasy this morning. P.S.: Is the moon hollow? An artificial satellite inhabited once by a strange insect-like alien race or ancient creator race, millions of years ago? Well, in the 1901 novel The First Men in the Moon, the great H.G. Wells (1866-1946), known to many as the Father of Science Fiction, wrote about an epic journey to the Moon. Anyways, rumor has it, that, in the 1960s NASA (SSP) detonated a bomb on the moon equivalent to 11 tons of TNT. The moon vibrated & rang like a gong for 3 hours. Lunar surface samples reveal synthetic metals. Orbiter photos show right-angled structures taller than skyscrapers) ~ |

In the 1960s NASA detonated a bomb on the moon equivalent to 11 tons of TNT. The moon vibrated & rang like a gong for 3 hours. Lunar surface samples reveal synthetic metals. Orbiter photos show right-angled structures taller than skyscrapers. Could the moon be an artificial surveillance satellite? : conspiracy (reddit.com)
Hollow Moon - Wikipedia
artificial satellite aliens moon - Brave Search

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