Dec 4, 2022

🤗🏳️🙌 (The good news is, WE HAVE IT ALL. Massive roundup through Dec.') ECETI News Mauna Loa Eruption ~ Dec 4, 2022 ~ |


James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience  

December 3, 2022| Issue #52


By James Gilliland

ECETI News Mauna Loa Eruption 

Sorry about the lack of communication, been real busy with taking the coffee and mac-nut orchards back from the jungle. We also removed two large truck loads of old refrigerators, stoves, golf carts, tires and a mountain of trash from the property. Just finished chipping the last of the branches and limbs. The heavy lifting is done now it is just maintenance.

I spent Thanksgiving away from family, other than the dolphins, on a beach watching Mauna Loa erupt. No worries the lave flow is going in the opposite direction. There are a lot of anomalies happening around the eruption.

As many know there is a controversial government installation up there some say posing as observatories. There is another on South Point. There is also a military base with literally mountains of dirt that came from somewhere. Common sense would dictate all that dirt came from somewhere and somewhere there is a very big hole. Research D.U.M.B s, deep underground military bases. There have been some loud booms along with the usual government denial saying it was a jet over the ocean. There were several at different times again being inconsistent with their explanation. Those who have been following, “conspiracy theories” are well aware of what goes on in some of those deep underground facilities, things so decadent experiments beyond most people’s ability to comprehend. There are also, “rumors” they are being destroyed, cleaned up, filled with sea water or lava, or blown up to put an end to the evil operations. Knowing this puts a whole new spin on what is unfolding. For all we know Pele just might be cleaning up all the desecration of sacred lands or a combination of both.

So many things are done under the guise of national security. Where is the security in slapping Pele in the face? In this case military intelligence is not very intelligent. There is a multidimensional bigger picture. As predicted all government cameras either went blank, were pointing at the ground, fuzzy far off coverage of the event. Citizen reporters like Two Pineapples, Hawaii Tracker facecrook and several others are providing incredible coverage. Some private helicopter companies are also doing a great job. I would suggest looking for UFOs they always appear around major eruptions. In Mexico they have been filmed going into the volcano upon which it settled down. Might want to ask for a little help. Some of this may need to happen, don’t fear it revel in the awesome power of nature. All of this begs the question what is really going on and what don’t they want us to see? Waiting for Pele to appear in the fire and ash then watch them try to cover it up and deny it.

The elections were a shame, a disgrace unless you live in a communist banana republic. The red wave happened it was diluted by ballot stuffing and harvesting, rigging the voting machines and changing the numbers. It is said it matters not who votes what matters is who counts the votes. The good news is, WE HAVE IT ALL. You cannot arrest the players until they commit the crimes. There will be a massive roundup through December. Many well known movie and music industry stars have come up missing, their houses all boarded up. Same with politicians, media moguls, and morally challenged billionaires. It’s starting to look like Christmas, sing along. Gloves are off, its go time. There are things in place beyond your wildest dreams to insure the planetary liberation and ascension. No man can stop it. No reptile, grey or demon can stop what is coming. We are living in exciting times. The people are awakening and rising globally. You will not hear it in the lame stream news. Know you are not alone, know there is a grand awakening, move beyond the need for acceptance and approval, shake up your friends, families and community with loving detachment. They all know something is very wrong. They just need a little verification. You wont have to say I told you so just smile and watch that delicious crow dinner they are eating.

Be safe and be well,

James Gilliland

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