Oct 4, 2022


Last act of light vs darkness; Illuminati; Earth’s axis; incoming love-light; Satanists; hatred; forgiveness; reptilians; Queen Elizabeth II

Channeled by Suzy Ward
© 2022 matthewbooks

Blogger's note: This is about channeled information on reincarnation, karma, extraterrestrials, spirituality & metaphysics from Matthew Ward through his mother Suzanne. It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen (both Sheldan and Montague has stopped given us updates)  

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The last act before the curtain falls on the light forces vs dark forces drama playing out on Earth is becoming increasingly active.

This includes the uprooting of the last of the Illuminati’s strongholds, international alliances for uplifting life worldwide, rising numbers of dark minds and hearts being taken off the planet, exposure of their look-alike doubles and other truths starting to emerge. And, the peoples are contributing to the downfall of a diabolical global network they don’t know exists. By demanding their governments serve the needs of the citizenry, the growing power of grassroots movements is aiding the international group’s efforts to rid countries of all individuals who are serving that sinister network.

The Illuminati still have in their corner the global economy, mainstream media, social media censorship and a few national leaders, but the systems essential to their retaining control are rapidly disintegrating. Still, please don’t expect them to go out gently. For millennia puppets of the dark forces succeeded in oppressing and deceiving the masses, and those who still are among you are of the delusional mindset to press forward toward ruling the world. Although it will be an exercise in abject futility, as long as they can cause chaos, fear and confusion, they will. Therefore, it is practical to have on hand some cash and a few weeks of food for your family and companion animals as well as other supplies helpful in standard emergencies.

Once again, the Illuminati are circulating the ominous alert that any day now the planet’s axis will suddenly flip and annihilate all life. No, it will not! Ever since far-distant civilizations infused Earth with massive amounts of light 80-some years ago, Earth’s axis has been gradually returning to its proper alignment. The dark ones are counting on false information such as the “flipping axis” to generate the low vibrations of fear they require for their very survival.

If you have heard of an unusually powerful solar flare or something else of global proportion coming soon, be aware that the dark ones will present it as something fear-filled. We are overjoyed to tell you that what is coming soon is an inpouring of love-light energy of a magnitude that is without precedence in this universe! The unmistakable effects of this co-creation of God, Gaia, Sol and light forces on the planet and beyond will differ in accordance with individuals’ willingness to embrace the intensive light as well as personal beliefs. So, we say it is the Christed light, but not the “second coming of Christ,” and absolutely it is not heralding doomsayers’ “end times.”

As you anticipate this glorious divine event, know that you are eminently prepared to handle the upcoming tempest caused by the Illuminati’s last gasps. Your lifetimes of experience helping civilizations in the same circumstances is why you wanted to be where you are and why you were chosen. This is what you have been patiently awaiting during this most exciting era in Earth’s history! Your confidence that liberation of your world from darkness is nigh will help others feel calm and optimistic instead of fearful and pessimistic—this is your mentorship role in the weeks ahead.

When many people are experiencing prolonged hardships, we know it isn’t easy to think of them as taking advantage of this unique opportunity to complete all karmic lessons in one lifetime instead of several. They have no idea they chose to achieve the balance they need to advance from third to fourth density in soul evolvement status. However, when they transition to Nirvana, those who are successful will have a grand celebration, those who find they still have a way to go will honor their progress and be glad they’re in a spirit world again, and souls who endured unchosen harsh lifetimes will rejoice when they discover they gained leaps forward in evolvement.

Back down to Earth, the high vibrations of your compassion, caring and empathy are radiating hope to people living in dreadful conditions. Hopefulness is light-filled and this also is helping them more easily handle their burdens of homelessness or impoverishment.

Beloved sisters and brothers, please don’t think we are overlooking that you, too, experience severe challenges, setbacks and sorrow! The difference is, you know what most others do not: Always every soul has the assistance of God’s emissaries—angels, spirit guides and beloved people in spirit worlds. While they can’t interfere with soul contract provisions, they are permitted to give comforting signs of their closeness, help ease unchosen trauma, and nudge in ways that keep folks on track with contract choices. You know to use the universal law of attraction to your benefit whereas most others unwittingly use it to their detriment, and you know that countless members of vast, powerful civilizations are assisting Earth and her residents in myriad ways.

Let us now address another matter of timely significance. “Matthew and other messengers of the light talk about the importance of forgiveness. How can anyone forgive people who commit unspeakable atrocities like satanists do? If they are reptilians pretending to be human, does forgiveness still apply?” First let us say that forgiveness, like love, starts with self. Only by loving self and forgiving self of perceived or actual wrongdoings can one extend those feelings to others. And love, which encompasses forgiveness, is not understood.

Love is far, far more than the emotion it is considered to be! It is the same energy as light, the most powerful force in the cosmos, and the origin of everything in existence. It is the composition of the soul, the godself of every life in this universe. The capacity to feel and receive love is limitless and so are the ways it can be expressed. Mother, please insert the date of our message that includes some of the “everyday-life” ways everyone can send love’s energy flowing throughout the planet and in doing so, radiate love’s magnificence to other worlds. That will be a helpful reminder to long-time readers and valuable information for awakening soul-searchers. [December 13, 2018 message is archived in All Messages section of www.matthewbooks.com.]

Thank you. Now then, forgiveness is the innate capacity of the soul to separate a person’s actions from the soulself or godself or I AM self, and not condemn the soul. It isn’t an instantaneous reaction like emotions are—for instance, ecstasy of a mother holding her newborn, relief of a hiker who emerges from a forest after being lost for three fearful days, or gratitude for the offer of assistance to complete an arduous task. Forgiveness, whose components are compassion and understanding, is more likely to come gradually, and never does it mean tolerating or condoning any individual’s injurious behavior, much less unconscionable acts!

People who commit heinous crimes come into the world as the pure love-light essence of Creator, the source of energy souls use to manifest bodies as humans, reptilians or any other species within this universe. For reasons unique to each, some individuals start succumbing to the lure of power and act upon that enticement through meanness, deviousness and lying.

As that behavior becomes more extensive and crueler, the light in those individuals keeps dimming until the heart-space is a dark void wherein there is no conscience or other guidance from the soul to the consciousness. With only the spark of light that is the body’s life force, they become captives of the dark forces and act as its puppets. That is what happened to the weakest souls in the universal family, the Satanists. They became capable of happily committing acts that to others of all species in all civilizations are unspeakable, unthinkable.

It isn’t likely that anyone can feel genuinely lovingly toward those individuals or even neutral about them, but it is possible to hate them. Hatred isn’t the opposite of love, it is the absence of love, a deeply internalized feeling that springs from the ego, and its low vibrations form a barrier between the soul and the consciousness. That leads to dis-ease and, at physical death, individuals who hate are automatically drawn by the physics of this universe to a very low level of multi-layered Nirvana where everything is in consonance with those individuals’ vibrations. They live in those dismal conditions until they are willing to accept the love-light energy that can replace all traces of hatred, and some refuse for centuries in your concept of time. That is how destructive hatred is!

Forgiveness comes from the divinity of the soul, the godself, just as love does. It radiates the high vibrations that uplift the heart and mind of the forgiver, who sends forth an abundance of light into the world and grows in soul evolution. Upon transition from physical life, persons who forgive enter one of Nirvana’s top layers, where they live actively and harmoniously in that wondrous spirit world’s amazing diversity until they are ready to incarnate in an advanced world in keeping with their evolved status and choice. That is how powerful forgiveness is!

Yes, forgiveness applies to reptilians, with whom you are energetically connected at soul level just as you are with all other lives in all other species throughout this universe. And let us correct the fallacy that reptilians are an ungodly species. Many more souls that incarnate as reptilians are benevolent than are malevolent, and individuals of each persuasion were or still are in your midst. Some commit acts of pure evil and others live within the light. Many members of the ever-vigilant extraterrestrial special forces, who are among the most effective lightworkers on the planet because they can use all of their innate capabilities, are reptilians. [March 2, 2022 message includes an explanation of the forces, their capabilities and influential positions.]

Now we shall address the numerous questions and comments about Queen Elizabeth II. It is true that she died some time ago, and according to special forces members, delaying the announcement was due in part to officials in the City of London, the Illuminati’s European financial center with global tentacles, who wanted to keep money flowing into the coffers of the world’s longest-reigning and internationally respected monarch.

European royalty is one of the disparate groups operating under the Illuminati “umbrella,” so to say, and everything that secret society does is a strategic part of a larger picture. So, very likely the decision to finally announce the death of Queen Elizabeth is important to them, but we don’t know its significance. Perhaps it’s simply diversion from their desperate straits because so little of their agenda is succeeding.

The queen was a reptilian as was her consort, Prince Phillip. Eventually the centuries-old intention to keep the reptilian bloodline pure via marriages within the royal families produced weakened traits. To counter that, most spouses for Prince Charles’ generation and their offspring were chosen from human bloodlines. The queen’s private life differed considerably from the regal monarch seen in public, and while she was in favor of elitists ruling the masses, she wasn’t in favor of killing the vast majority of the population as a means to attain world domination.

We don’t know how long people in the United Kingdom will want to continue their ceremonial monarchy—they have yet to discover that for quite some time look-alike doubles have been acting as family members—but we can tell you there are no monarchies in Earth’s Golden Age.

Dear family, as this eons-old global play comes to its end, your steadfastness in the truth of the light continues to be invaluable in helping Earth’s civilization manifest the planet’s Golden Age. All light beings in this universe honor you and support you with unconditional love.



Suzanne Ward

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