Aug 4, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 ('USSF & USNAV watching thoughts & Earth in/outs for safety. 'Xi & Trump shaking hands GF Jupiter meet. 5G-StarLink-Internet-Moon.') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Hey Y'all! SoTW truly feel it in my bones! HUmanity gonna win this fight! And guess what, if you're awaken to my reality - there's no going back! I'm twenty some plus years burning down the (spiritual) road and my life, has not always been a dance on roses, but with (angelic) support and help from those who care for me things can be turned around. I guess I'll been fighting the "system" all my life and lost 2 daughters and a wife, on the way! That goes for muggles, friends and some family members, who hate my guts, because I'm not "working" - can you believe it? Oh my gosh! Buuutt, had some gooood times as well - you betcha! My wishes goes for the spiritual truth-communities STOP fighting each other. We need to Fight the "Cabal"-NWO treat together!. I truly loooove Megan Rose and her giggles and incredible authentic energy and do not care what Elena, Dr. Salla and Alex with supporters, thinks. That also goes for Ismael Perez for provoking a fight etc. Please stop that. Megan setting our hearts at ease. Thank you from all of my heart. You and Val Nek have great senses of humor and knows what's best for HUmanity... |

SoTW creating with help from: 
(20+) Craig Bong | Facebook

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