Feb 11, 2022

🃏💟🔮 ~ (Janine, Julie, Megan and JeanClause) FREEDOM IN EUROPE! NUREMBERG 2.0! DS DIGS IN AS THE PEOPLE CONTINUE THE PUSH! HOW'S IT LOOKING? ~ | Blogger: Super great that they have invited Megan Rose inside their house of truth with all that spiritual ego and fighting inside the communities right now, that can be disheartened. Placing Janine with Catherine in the same deck of cards will sparkle positive energies and really, resonate with me on SoTW. Love these guys. With many EU countries Janine pick out, if you heard this, Janine, please take Denmark, as you did for 6 months ago in regards to the Monarchy, government and dark agendes. Denmark is a HUGE freemasonic hideout, DNC-loving warmongering, Rothschild FIAT money laundering and used to be a BIG Corona hotshot. PS: Greece, Romania and Austria is still really really bad Corona hotpot. And like my Danish CEO of containerships from Thailand says; Asia and China, will not let go of facemask mandate for next few years... |

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