Jan 31, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (I'm here for the long haul until house of cards is gradually or completely falling apart...) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Time is up for these people in power who take our freedom away and trying to force killSh0ts for our kids, weak and elderly. Will #PartyGate Boris The Clown be first, next in line, Justin Castro and them, Actor Biden?... October 2019, a few months before the alleged "Coronavirus" arrived, was Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation together with Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and The World Economics Forum Hosts for "Event 201" - A 3½ hours Simulation exercise of a dramatic scenario with a thought pandemic. "Accidentally", it was all about a new global pandemic virus that would be extremely dangerous - 65 million dead was the scenario that they were worked with. After the "ScareEvent" was finalished, all health experts, matrix scientists, military advisors, intelligence services and world ministers received the scenario model or roadmap, that was sold, to their leaders, at home. And Voila - it came quite as predicted in the simulation. But it really did'nt practice what they preached. The virus-"disease", escaped from a secured Biolab in Wuhan, only behaved some worse than ordinary flue, was most dangerous to people with other diseases or low immune systems, and hospitals have stood empty, while the waiting lists for other treatments have grown, and society has stalled. The whole "agenda" was supposed to end March of 2025. It has been the roadmap all the time. But believe me there are other much stronger (positive) forces on the way that will stop this "show" or "movie", like what is happening in Denmark, February 1st. However, many countrymen in Denmark and around the world, are deeply traumatized, anchored in the lie and all marked by the Stockholm Syndrome. When the REAL spiritual "EVENT" comes, the metaphor for "SolarFlash" or "Unlocking Junk DNA", people, will be lead together by the collective consciousness. Like in the movie "Surrogates" after destruction of all the surrogates, everyone will have to go outside and be human again. Mother GAIA, Truth-movement with Truth-TV, Off-worlders and Healing Tachyons waves from the Universe, connect us back to Source-Energy and slowly, but surely, remove all DARKNESS into LIGHT. This is my way of seeing it, I need to, no, have to, look at a positive and brighter future. Will you join me?... |

A. Headlines for Sun. 30 Jan. 2022:

Judy Note: Mr. Pool reported that his messages were done. Multiple countries have put their militaries on High Alert. The National Guard has been activated in all 50 states. 3,500 flights were cancelled on the East Coast. Vaccinated called a ticking time bomb for Cancer. Over 100,000 Truckers and over a million people have joined the Trucker Freedom Movement meeting in Ottawa Canada on Mon. 31 Jan, say they aren’t leaving until Mandates withdrawn. Large Trucker convoys gathering on US Border, on their was to Washington DC, other convoys organizing in Australia, Europe and across the globe. All of which was bound to cause disruption of food and supply chains across the globe. Cyber Attacks imminent. White House, Buckingham Palace, Canadian Parliament prepared for demolition... (..)


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