Jul 21, 2021

πŸ”­πŸŒͺ️⛈️ ~ (Monsoon the World?) Russia using CLIMATE ENGINEERING to fight forest fires, sowing silver iodine into clouds from airplane to make it rain over blaze (RT + Etcgroup + 7news.com.au) ~ | Blogger: AND thousands more example what they can do in regards of weather manipulation, geo-engineering and weaponized weather... Let's just imagine, that every single country on Earth, can rent a "Chemtail-airplane" to do what Russia is doing right now, like say, to bet on the weather and make money on "Weather Derivatives". It is estimated that nearly 20% of the U.S. economy is directly affected by the weather, and the profitability and revenues of virtually every industry - agriculture, energy, entertainment, construction, travel, and others - depend to a great extent on the vagaries of temperature, rainfall, and storms... One of the BIGGEST eye-opener for many, was Superstorms, like Irma and Harvey (caused by HAARP injection - so they say)... PS: O-M-G! Just look what the braindead fake pseudoscience has cooked up of baloney and (the Artificial Alien Base) the Moon, could create floods on Earth in the 2030s... |





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